


  • He has been here a twelvemonth .

    他来这里已经一 了。

  • The day of his and Lydia 's departure soon came and Mrs. Bennet was forced to submit to a separation which as her husband by no means entered into her scheme of their all going to Newcastle was likely to continue at least a twelvemonth .

    转眼之间,他和丽迪雅的行期来到了,班纳特太太不得不和他们分离,而且至少要 分别,因为班纳特先生坚决不赞同她的计划,不 让全家都搬到纽卡斯

  • On the stairs were a troop of little boys and girls whoes eagerness for their cousin 's appearance would not allow them to wait in the drawing-room and whose shyness as they had not seen her for a twelvemonth prevented their coming lower .

    男男女女的孩子们为了急于要见到表 ,在客厅了等不及,又因为一年没见面, 不好意思 下楼 便在楼梯口。

  • The subject which had been so warmly canvassed between their parents about a twelvemonth ago was now brought forward again . As soon as ever Mr. Bingley comes my dear said Mrs. Bennet you will wait on him of course .

    大约在一 以前,父母曾经热烈地争论过这个问题,如今 又要 旧事重提了。班纳特太太又对她丈夫说:我的好老爷,彬格莱先生一来,你一定要去拜访他呀。

  • But she is very young ; she has never been taught to think on serious subjects ; and for the last half year nay for a twelvemonth she has been given up to nothing but amusement and vanity .

    她很年轻,又从来没有人教她应该怎样去考虑这些重大的问题;半年以来不,整整一 以来 知道 开心 作乐爱好虚荣。