


  • He said he was twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith .

    他说他 21岁,职业介绍所 怀疑就相信了他。

  • He spent twenty-one hours in space .

    他在太空中飞了 21 小时。

  • At the same time he noticed that although it was nearly twenty-one hours the shop was still open .

    他同时注意到,虽然时间已经快 二十一点了,这家铺子还开着门。

  • You are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world .


  • Winterton has never had a sniff of a government job in his entire twenty-one years in parliament .

    在国会的整整 21年里,温特顿没有得到过任何在政府里工作的机会。

  • I 'm twenty-one years old .


  • Not yet twenty-one she exhibited the demeanour of a woman of forty .

    尽管还不 二十一 ,她已经流露出四十岁女人的风度了。

  • I was twenty-one that day in the golden age of my life .

    那一天我 二十一 ,在我一生的黄金时代。

  • Daniel had fasted and prayed twenty-one days and had a very hard time in prayer .

    但以理禁食祷告了 二十一天在祷告上花了极大的苦工;可是没有得到答应。

  • A boy of the same age : about twenty or twenty-one .

    这个男孩和 的年龄一样:大约二十或 二十一

  • Has been raised from eighteen to twenty-one .

    由原来的十八岁提高到 二十一

  • Twenty-one years have passed since the First International Population Conference was held in Bucharest in 1974 .

    自1974年在布加勒斯特首次召开国际人口会议至今,已经历了 21 春秋

  • He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one .

    他数了一下在场的人数,结果 二十一人。

  • Then they implemented a rule that the guinea is worth twenty-one shillings .

    于是政府就执行了一个新令,规定一个几尼值 二十一 先令的价值。

  • There are fifteen books on the first shelf twenty-one on the second that makes thirty-six in all .

    书架的第一层有15本书,第二层 21本,总共是36本。

  • The diet is chosen under a franchise that is universal for citizens aged twenty-one and over .

    国会由年满 二十一 以上的公民普遍选举产生。

  • I : Are you twenty-one years of age ?

    I:你今年 21岁吗?

  • We wanted this to be a twenty shilling coin but now in the market it 's trading at twenty-one .

    我们希望它是一个值二十先令的硬币,但现在它在市场上以 二十一 先令的价值来交换。

  • Twenty-one days later I left London .


  • He was stricken at twenty-one with a crippling malady .

    21 时突患致残重疾。

  • Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space .

    杨利伟在宇宙中度过了大约 二十一 小时。

  • The researchers tested the blood of all twenty-one people .

    研究人员给所有 参加测试的 21 人员检查了血液。

  • It lasted a record twenty-one days .

    那持续一个创纪录的 二十一天。

  • They are now thirteen to twenty-one years old .

    他们现在已经是十三至 二十一岁了。

  • Abstract : twenty-one cases of hypersplenism with portal hypertension were treated with partial splenic embolization .

    文摘: 21例门静脉高压脾功能亢进患者进行了部分性脾栓塞治疗。

  • Twenty-one years have passed since then .

    尔来 二十有一年

  • I was twenty-two — no twenty-one .

    我当时22岁,哎呀不对,是 21

  • Spelled-out numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine are hyphenated .


  • But Michael was twenty-one years of age and nothing could be done against his own willfulness .

    但是迈克尔已经 二十一岁了,没有什么可以让他逆着他自己的意愿行事。

  • We waited twenty-one years don 't fail us now .

    我们等了 21年了,如今不要让我们失望。