


  • Going forward the company will have to iron out glitches in its business model as it keeps trolling the Internet for the masterminds behind clean code .

    展望未来,这家公司将在网上继续搜寻 整洁代码背后的天才, 同时,它还需要 调整商业模式。

  • Our killer 's probably trolling the same places .

    我们 这位杀手可能是在同一 地方 搜寻 猎物

  • It is a responsive technology where producers can enable interaction with consumers & minus the trolling risks of a website comment section .

    这是一种迅速积极反应的技术,生产者可与消费者进行互动& 同时 避免了网站评论区 故意 发布 煽动信息的风险。

  • Finally the type of lure is Trolling .

    最后,鱼饵的类型是 Trolling

  • But maybe to put it a slightly different way they 're trolling the waterfront .

    但也许稍微 转换 不同的方式来说,他们在 岸边

  • Rady don 't know much about why the Renaissance Team evacuated but it seems to be ignited by a trolling comment .

    究竟为什么撤出, 拉迪并不清楚。事件的导火索似乎是由于新技能“投掷”的 描述页面。

  • Go see as much as you can & at galleries museums and art fairs and by trolling online .

    :尽量多看&参观画廊、博物馆、艺术博览会或者在网上 浏览

  • The service adds Google to a growing number of Web sites that are trolling culling and crunching Internet data in ways to better pinpoint and predict where diseases are hitting around the world .

    这项服务也让谷歌加入了一个新的网站 行列眼下越来越多的网站通过 综合、筛选及处理互联网数据来更好地发现和预测全球各地的疾病发展状况。

  • The development of artificial lure of tuna trolling and experimental result at sea are reported .

    报道了金枪鱼 曳绳 设计 制作以及海上试验结果。

  • Experimental study on artificial lure of tuna trolling

    金枪鱼 曳绳 的试验研究

  • This is a simple PHP function that accepts one parameter : type which can be trolling casting or other .

    这是个简单的PHP函数,接收一个参数:type,它可以是 trolling、casting或other。

  • It is an unfortunate truth that the glory days of platform trolling are behind us .

    不得不说一个不幸的事实就是平台 纷争的光辉岁月已经 我们 远去

  • That he used while trolling for patients in bars .

    他在酒吧里用来 客户

  • She 's frequenting motels and trolling for men .

    她经常光顾汽车旅馆 猎艳

  • Development of artificial lure of tuna trolling and experimental result

    金枪鱼 曳绳 饵研制与 海上试验结果

  • Some Internet trolling grounds for recruiters and employers : coding competitions profiles on code-sharing site GitHub LinkedIn profiles and discussion groups and personal websites and blogs .

    招聘人员和雇主比较关注的网络板块包括:编程大赛、代码分享网站 GitHub上的个人档案、商务社交网站LinkedIn上的个人资料和讨论组,以及个人网站与博客。

  • Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office .

    随便 浏览文件时发现了一张我在办公室喝咖啡的照片。

  • But not being in a trolling mood I will say Palestine .

    但是没有人情绪 激昂 回应所以我会说巴勒斯坦。

  • At last the principle of con - trolling the stratification of tri-media filtering materials has been put forward and may be used for reference in the design of the filter bed .

    最后提出了控制三层 滤料分层的原理,可作为滤床设计的参考。

  • Without seeming like I 'm trolling the equivalent imagery in the western world would be a Cleveland Steamer on Christ on the Cro .

    这不是我 煽风点火,其实这种环境就像类似于在西方世界你 随便十字架上的耶稣到处乱挂一样。

  • In this fairly simple example there are only three types : trolling casting and other .

    在这个非常简单的例子中,鱼饵的类型只有三种: 型、投掷型和其他。

  • At least one plaintiff law firm trolling for clients announced its own investigation .

    至少 已经有一家 企图 吸引客户的原告律师事务所宣布开始调查。

  • Based on the DDC control system the outside air inlet plenum pressure con - trolling method through traditional PID controlling algorithm is realized . The experimental results indicate that it is effective way to control outside air volume .

    在DDC控制器的基础上,利用传统的PID控制算法实现了新风入口静压 控制法,实验结果表明该控制方法能够有效地控制新风量。

  • If you 're looking for something specific it will be easier to find in a text editor instead of trolling back through your console .

    如果想查看某些具体的内容,那么在文本编辑器中查找比在 控制台上滚动要简单些。

  • Your old lady know you 're trolling for hookers ?

    你家夫人知道你在 这里搞这个吗?

  • He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake .

    他拢岸让她下船,然后继续 悠闲地在湖上划着。

  • As a result some people get annoyed and the flaming and trolling begin .

    于是有些人就恼了,挖坑和 拍砖就开始了。

  • But before the golddiggers start trolling the Newport Beach Craigslist sites for well-bankrolled mates consider this : high-income towns don 't always equate to great wealth .

    但是,想傍“大款”的人们如果要通过网站寻找 新港滩的富裕伴侣,先要注意到这么一种情况:一个城市收入高,并不一定等于它非常富有。

  • Trolling is a kind of line fishing in which boats trail lines from poles hanging over their sides .

    线捕鱼 的一种:在渔船的两侧 许多 竿,竿上垂着钓线,由船拖着钓鱼。