



  • We have a tussle every year about where to go on holiday .

    我们每年都要为前往何处度假 争论

  • The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won .

    将个体从保姆式国家解放出来的 斗争离胜利尚远。

  • He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation .

    他正 全力 应对如何解决通货膨胀的问题。

  • But as the tussle over Ukraine has shown Russia and the west are rivals once again .

    然而,围绕乌克兰的 争吵显示出,俄罗斯和西方又一次成为了对手。

  • What 's different about him is a new willingness to give outsiders a glimpse of that tussle inside him .

    与以前不同的是,他现在愿意让外人 觉察到他内心的 矛盾

  • League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie .

    联赛裁判基思·库珀在上半场因他与守门员抢球犯规而对他记名 警告

  • But the tussle between oil companies and oil-rich nations has implications far wider than prompting infighting among the companies .

    然而,石油公司和石油储量丰富的国家之间 争议的影响,远远不止引发石油公司之间的 内讧

  • A similar tussle is once again playing out between Chinese consumers and bullish funds .

    眼下,中国消费者与看多基金再次开始了类似的 角力

  • I had a tussle to get the knife off him .

    我与他 扭打 一阵 把刀子夺下。

  • The tussle began last month as a relatively trivial but highly public back-and-forth over which company had the lowest prices on the most anticipated new books and DVDs this fall .

    双方在一些生活相关物品上的价格 早在上个月就已开始,在一些 今秋最令人期待的新图书和DVD等商品方面都发布了最低价格。

  • Before he chose to tell the truth he tussle with his conscience .

    在他决定讲实话之前,进行了一 良心上的 斗争

  • The tussle over PAYGO is the opening salvo of a debate that will define the new Congress .

    关于现收现付制的 争论,已成为国会辩论的开幕礼炮,也将定下新一届国会的基调。

  • He was reportedly nominated by his government after an internal diplomatic tussle with Benin 's ambassador to UNESCO who had also hoped to be nominated .

    据报道他是在与贝宁驻UNESCO大使(他也希望被提名)进行了一场内部外交 争斗之后 获得了他的政府的提名。

  • Yet he presented himself as the only person who would tussle fiercely and relentlessly enough to triumph .

    不过,他说只有他才能进行足够激烈无情的 斗争,以取得胜利。

  • Lucy pushes Kim and the officer breaks up the tussle .

    露西推倒了金姆,警员 拉开 打架 各方

  • James and Elliott tussled .

    詹姆斯和埃利奥特 扭打

  • Regulatory transparency is limited and local and central authorities tussle for influence over lotteries .

    监管方面的透明度有限,而且地方和中央政府 争夺对彩票的影响力 争斗

  • Pezzo tussled for fourth place with Orvosova

    佩佐 奥尔沃索瓦为争夺第四名展开了激烈较量。

  • The conflict became a tussle of national wills .

    这一冲突成了民族意愿的 争斗

  • There followed a long tussle for custody of the children .


  • Tokyo claims Beijing deliberately withheld exports to Japan during a diplomatic tussle over disputed fishing grounds .

    日本政府声称,北京方面在 两国就争议渔场 发生外交 冲突期间,故意阻止对日本的出口。

  • The two teams started to tussle with each other .

    两队 人马 厮打起来

  • That would allow the creditors to tussle over the assets and liabilities as they do in Chapter 11 bankruptcies .

    这样一来,债权人便能像第11章破产保护程序那样 争夺资产和负债。

  • The Granata were unlucky to grab only a point from their relegation tussle with Bologna on Sunday .

    都灵人则不是那么幸运,在上周日与博洛尼亚的 保级大战中仅仅得到一分。

  • He grabbed my microphone and we tussled over that

    他抓住我的麦克风,我们 为此 扭打 起来

  • Quite as important as the tussle between regulators and shareholders is that between shareholders and their employees .

    监管者和股东之间的 斗争同样重要的是,股东与雇员之间的 斗争

  • But this particular tussle is potentially important since it comes amid a wider regulatory debate about the agencies .

    但这 特别的 争斗可能十分重要,因为值此之际,围绕这些评级机构正在进行一场更广泛的监管辩论。