


  • Similarly the McLafferty rearrangement was found to exist in the photoionization process of histamine and tryptamine .

    类似地,在组胺和 分子的光电离过程中也发现了麦氏重排过程。

  • Conclusion : 5-hydrox tryptamine nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary gland may be mediated by 5-HT receptor on the cell of anterior pituitary gland to regulate pituitary hormone synthesis and release .

    结论:存在于垂体前叶的5- 羟色胺 神经纤维,可能在垂体前叶的5-羟色胺受体介导下,直接参与垂体激素的合成与释放的调节。

  • Research of the Relevance between 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine and Differentiated Types of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    肠易激综合征不同中医证型与 5-HT的相关性研究

  • Metabolite-to-metabolite correlation analysis revealed the presence of mutant-specific networks between tryptamine and other primary metabolites in the roots .

    代谢物间的相关性分析表明突变体根中特异存在 氨酸和其他主生 代谢物间的代谢网络。

  • Melatonin alias melatonin hormone is characteristic pine cone glandular secretion of the neural hormone its chemical names N-Acetyl - 5-Methoxyl Tryptamine an important member of the series tryptamine derivatives .

    褪黑素又名褪黑激素,是松果腺体分泌的特有神经类激素,它的化学名N-乙酰基-5-甲氧基色 ,是色胺衍生物系列里重要成员。

  • The results showed that memory retention rate was significantly decreased in the step through test and the hypothalamic contents of dopamine ( DA ) and 5-hydroxy - tryptamine ( 5-HT ) declined greatly in the ovariectomized ( OVX ) group .

    在避暗实验中,卵巢切除小鼠记忆保持率明显下降,脑内多巴胺及5 羟色胺含量亦明显降低。

  • Preparation of tryptamine from 3-indoleacetamide


  • However Curcumin had an obvious effect on improving rat forelimb spasm induced by tryptamine hydrochloride .

    对盐酸 引起的大鼠前肢痉挛 行为有明显增强作用。

  • Conclusion Abnormalities of intracerebral neurotransmitters acetylcholine noradrenalin 5-hydroxy tryptamine may participate in the pathogenesis of obsessive-compulsive disorder .

    结论脑内神经递质乙酰胆碱、去甲肾上腺素、5- 羟色胺 活动异常可能参与了强迫症的发病。

  • Influence of Colectomy on Expressions of 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine and Chromogranin A in Colon Mucosa of Chinchilla Rabbits

    结肠切除对青紫兰兔结肠黏膜中 5-HT、CgA阳性 细胞的影响

  • In vitro STR enzymatic assay was measured indirectly by fluorimetrically detecting depletion of tryptamine feeding on secologanin in the reaction mixture .

    STR体 外酶活性分析采用间接荧光法检测 在反应体系的消耗。

  • Effects of infrasound on learning and memory and the expression of 5-hydroxy tryptamine and its receptor in hippocampi and temporal cortex of rats

    次声对大鼠学习记忆 行为及海马和颞叶皮层 5-HT、5-HTR的影响

  • Nicotine can also effect the neurotransmitter systems of Cate-cholamine and Serotonin by enhancing the synthesization release and catabolism of Dopamine ( DA ) Noradrenaline ( NE ) and 5 - Hydroxide Tryptamine ( 5 - HT ) which may be related to the neurotic - psychiatric syndrome .

    尼古丁还可使儿茶酚胺类和血清素类递质系统包括多巴胺(DA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)和5- 羟色胺(5-HT)等的合成、释放和代谢活性加强,可能与兴奋性神经精神症状的产生有关。

  • In the past several decades the derivatives of tryptamine with the pharmacological and physiological activity which were used widely in clinic and achieved well-pleasing results have got the broad regards from the chemistry researchers all over the world .

    过去几十年里,具有药理及生理活性的 衍生物在临床上被广泛使用并取得满意的结果,已越来 受到全世界化学研究者的广泛重视。

  • 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine Release Rates on Anaphylactic Rat Peritoneal and Lung Mast Cells

    致敏大鼠腹腔及肺泡肥大细胞5 HT释放率

  • Objective To explore the effects and interaction of the contents of platelet 5-hydrox - tryptamine ( 5-HT ) and thrombospondin-1 ( TSP-1 ) on proliferation and apoptosis of megakaryocyte in vitro .

    目的研究血小板内容物5- 羟色胺(5-Hydroxtryptamine,5-HT,Serotonin)和血小板反应素-1(throm-bospondin-1,TSP-1)对巨核细胞增殖凋亡的影响以及它们的相互作用。