turbidity methods

[医] 比昆浊法(检白蛋白)

  • Objective : To evaluate curative effect of Xiaozhi decoction in the treatment of phlegm turbidity type deter of the hyperlipemia . Methods : Using random positive drug parallel contrast experiment design method .

    目的:观察消脂饮治疗痰 阻遏型高血脂症的临床疗效。 方法:采用随机、阳性药物平行对照的试验设计方法。

  • Due to the characteristics of raw water turbidity such as nonlinear non-stationary several turbidity forecasting methods are proposed in this dissertation which is based on linear and nonlinear methods .

    原水 浊度具有非线性、非平稳等特性,针对这些特点,本文分别采用线性和非线性 方法对其进行预报研究。

  • Now days there are several kinds of turbidity measuring devices and methods thus the measured values do not agree well This paper presents some opinions on the basis of some experiments .

    目前测量 浊度的仪器种类较多,测量 方法也各不相同,从而在现场使用时经常发生测定值不一致的麻烦。本文是在通过实验对问题的理解所提出的一些看法。

  • Special experiments such as the characteristics of bittern turbidity bittern clarification and water sterilization were carried out . Methods for filling-up and maintenance of bittern solar pond are put forward .

    对卤水太阳池特有的问题,如 浊度的特性、老卤的澄清化处理和卤虫的杀灭进行了实验,提出了卤水太阳池的灌注 方式和维护 措施

  • Turbidity units and turbidity measurement methods

    浊度单位和 浊度测量 方法

  • The influence of turbidity on the mass transfer coefficient of cyanide is determined using standard turbidity solution . Several methods for cleaning the fouled membrane are explored .

    用标准 浊度液测定了浊度对氰化物传质系数的影响,探讨了膜污染的几种清洗 方法