



  • I was at the red turtle with one of my students .

    我和一个学生去了“红 ”酒吧。

  • The turtle can see the finish line .


  • The first time I killed a wild animal and the second time I caught a big turtle .

    第一次我杀了一只野兽,第二回我捕获了一只大 海龟

  • The secret is : I have a very cute pet turtle .

    这个秘密就是:我有一只很可爱的宠物, 乌龟

  • Rabbit Turtle and Little Lucy : Thank you for your help !

    兔子, 乌龟和小红帽:谢谢你的帮助。

  • I can make a turtle .

    我能变出一 乌龟

  • Third he thought turtle meat must be good for the heart and kidneys .

    三,他相信吃 对心和肾有好处。

  • The four masters : Turtle saved you !


  • I had a turtle but your mother took it .

    我本来有个 海龟的,但是让你妈妈拿走了。

  • The turtle and the rabbit are ready for a game .


  • The spill could wipe out the Gulf 's turtle population

    这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的 海龟灭绝。

  • The turtle wins the race .


  • The tug nearly turned turtle twice but I managed to keep her upright .

    拖船两次都差点翻 个儿,但我设法稳住了船身。

  • Of or relating to or resembling or being a turtle or tortoise .

    属于 、或与 有关、或类似于 、或是龟。

  • A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach .

    瓮中之鳖, 手到拿来

  • I have a turtle I love it very much .

    野生 心爱 乌龟,我十分爱它。

  • Our goldfish grew to be four inches long then our turtle ate him .

    我们的金鱼长到四英寸长时,被家里的 乌龟给吃了。

  • If a turtle ingests this it can cause problems .

    如果 咽下这一点,可能会导致问题。

  • Jamie likes to explore in my room which is massive to a tiny turtle .

    杰米喜欢探测我的房间。我的房间对于一个小小的 乌龟来说,真是太宏大了。

  • This magnificent creature is the giant leatherback turtle .


  • A snapping turtle digs a hole in the sandy soil with her back claws .

    一只 鳄龟用后抓在沙土 挖了一个洞。

  • Rabbit and Turtle : Let 's pull up the turnip .

    兔子和 乌龟:让我们来拔萝卜。

  • I want a turtle .

    我要的是一 乌龟

  • As quick as a flash he chopped off the turtle 's head .

    一瞬间,他就把 乌龟的头砍了下来。

  • One day a rabbit and a turtle ran a race .

    有一天,兔子和 乌龟赛跑。

  • We were cooking this turtle for you sir .

    我们正为你做这 ,先生。

  • The rabbit runs so fast that Mr. Turtle soon falls behind .

    兔子跑的太快了,以至于 乌龟很快就落在后面了。

  • The turtle like all reptiles is cold-blooded .
