




  • Plunge or bury in flesh as of a knife sword or tusk .

    陷入或者埋葬在肉中,关于刀,剑或者 尖牙

  • Small arctic whale the male having a long spiral ivory tusk .

    小型北极鲸,其雄性有 扭曲 尖牙

  • Tusk said in early 2015 is feasible for Poland to enter into the Eurozone .

    图斯克 早些 时候 表示,2015年加入欧元区对波兰来说是可行的。

  • To gore or dig with the tusks or a tusk .


  • The first man touched the elephant 's tusk and stated The elephant is like a carrot .

    第一个瞎子摸到大象的 ,说,“大象像 根尖 的萝卜。”

  • To pierceor stab with a horn or tusk .


  • Obama will be meeting with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk .

    奥巴马总统将会晤波兰总统科莫罗斯基以及波兰总理 图斯克

  • The premier of Poland Tusk said in6th in view of the debt crisis which Greece encountered now it is not a best time for Poland to think about to access the Eurozone .

    波兰总理 图斯克6日表示,鉴于希腊遇到的债务危机,目前不是波兰考虑加入欧元区的最优选择。

  • Other mammals are believed to contribute to the myth of the unicorn including the narwhal a whale with a long spiraling tusk .

    据说包括具有盘旋 的独角鲸等其它的哺乳动物和 独角兽之说也 有关

  • The old man grasped the elephant 's Tusk and felt it .

    老人抓住大象的 鼻子了摸。

  • A huge tusk decorated the wall of his study .

    他书房的墙上装饰着一支巨大的 象牙

  • An article carved or engraved from whalebone whale ivory walrus tusk etc. usually by American whalers .

    通常由美国捕鲸人完成的,用鲸须、鲸牙和 海象胡须等雕刻出来的东西。

  • To succeed in that tusk you need to be a superman .

    要完成那项 任务,你需要有超人的力量。

  • Only filth Torak see is you ! Broken Tusk Clan ! Slay this dog !

    这里唯一的废柴人渣是你呀!断 帮!轰杀这狗才!

  • This proved a decidedly unrewarding tusk .

    结果证明这绝对是件不 值得做的 工作

  • Figurine of walrus tusk ( excl. original sculptures and statuary )

    海象 制小雕像(不包括雕塑和雕像原件)

  • Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country 's post World War II history .

    唐纳德· 塔斯 总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰 遭遇的最大悲剧。

  • The wild boar had its tusk sunk deeply into a tree and howled desperately .

    野猪的 獠牙陷在了树里,绝望地嗥叫着。

  • The second felt the elephant 's tusk .

    第二个 瞎子摸到了大象的 象牙

  • Elephants wear the tusk down faster than they can grow it .


  • To keep Europe united is today the biggest challenge Tusk said last month referring to the very fragile and difficult consensus reached by European countries after Moscow seized Crimea in March last year .

    去年3月,在莫斯科吞并克里米亚之后,欧洲国家达成了非常脆弱而艰难的一致意见, 图斯克上个月在提到这个一致意见时说,如今,要保持欧洲的团结是最大的挑战。

  • It features a bevy of sassy women who contrast with Mr Tusk 's mainly grey male and middle-aged cabinet .

    它的特点是一群时髦活泼的女人与 图斯克先生主要的头发灰白的中年男人组成的内给形成对比。

  • European Council President Donald Tusk said Sunday the European Union and the G7 leaders remain firm in their support of Ukraine in its fight against pro-Russian separatists .

    欧洲委员会主席 图斯克说,欧盟和工业化七国领导人仍然坚决支持乌克兰打击东部的亲俄罗斯分离主义分子。

  • The Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has claimed victory in the country 's general election after exit polls indicated his ruling centre-right Civic Platform party was comfortably ahead of its rivals .

    投票显示,波兰执政的中间偏右派公民纲领党轻松取胜竞争对手,属于该党的总理唐纳德? 图斯克宣布赢得该国大选。

  • Poland 's prime minister Donald Tusk said that he would travel immediately to Smolensk Russia the site of the crash .

    波兰总理唐纳德 塔斯 说他将立即飞往坠毁地点&俄国的斯摩林斯克。

  • It has yet to be confirmed whether the embassy was deliberately targeted Sikorski said adding that the incident has been reported to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk .

    是否使馆为蓄意攻击的目标仍有待证实,西科尔斯基补充说,这一事件已报告给波兰波兰总统卡钦斯基和总理 图斯克

  • The street value of elephant tusk is believed to exceed thousands of dollars per kilo and officials have acknowledged the role of organised crime in the poaching crisis .


  • Polish Prime Minister Tusk recently said that the issue football Poland can take some risks radical approach even if it will have to pay .

    波兰总理 图斯克日前表示,在足球问题上,波兰可以采取一些冒险、激进的方法,即使这会付出一定的代价。

  • Our common intention is also very very clear said Mr Tusk at a post-summit press conference . We have to maintain our sanctions until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented .

    我们的共同意图是非常明确的, 图斯克在峰会后的一场记者招待会上说,我们必须维持制裁,直到俄罗斯完全履行明斯克协议为止。