


  • New Masonry Technique for BF Ceramic Cup and Big Precast Block for Tuyere

    高炉陶瓷杯及 风口大型预制块砌筑新技术

  • Application : Used as Kiln shed board slide push board sagger Tuyere combined bricks .

    用途:工业窑炉用棚板、立柱、槽板、推板、匣钵、卡具、 风口组合砖等。

  • Secondary air tuyere : aluminum alloy shutter the surface was electro-sprayed by epoxy resin .


  • Influence of Increasing PCI Rate on Characteristics of Tuyere Coke in Blast Furnace

    提高喷煤量对高炉 风口 焦性 的影响

  • On-line Electrostatic Determination of Coal Dust Character in Primary Tuyere Pipe

    基于静电技术的一次 管内煤粉特性在线检测

  • Speed and the angle of tuyere of Centrifugal fan are main factors for Combine sieve surface airflow distribution .

    离心风机的转速及其出 风口角度是影响联合收割机筛面气流场分布的两个主要因素。

  • Improvement of blast furnace tuyere life time by means of spraying Aluminium coating Distribution of concentration of pulverized coal injected into BF tuyere by lance with multiple holes

    用喷涂铝涂层的方法来提高高炉 风口使用寿命多股流喷吹粉煤时高炉 风口内粉煤浓度场分布

  • Failure Mechanism of Small Sleeve of Blast-furnace Tuyere and Discussion of Changing to Use Be-bronze

    高炉 风口小套破坏机理和改用铍青铜材料的探讨

  • The argon typically acts as a shroud gas to provide protection to the tuyere . It also promotes removal of impurities and / or dissolved gases in several refining processes .

    氩主要作为覆盖气体对 鼓风 提供保护。在几种精炼过程中它还促进了杂质清除和/或气体的 离散

  • Numerical Study on Co-injection of Pulverized Coal and Pulverized Waste Tyre Inside Blast Furnace Tuyere

    高炉混合 吹煤粉与废旧轮胎的数值模拟

  • A Shallow Discussion of Full Tuyere Preheating Successfully in BF Blow-in and Fast Reaching Production

    浅谈全 风口预热炉缸开炉法成功开炉及快速达产

  • Foreign and domestic researches on improving service life of tuyere have been discussed in terms of improving tuyere texture and strengthening its surface .

    本文从改进风口材质及其表面强化处理两方面阐述国内外提高 风口使用寿命的研究进展,并探讨了提高 风口寿命的途径。

  • The characteristic of detonation welding process was analysed and the application of detonation welding process to the blast furnace tuyere was investigated in this paper .

    通过分析爆炸焊接工艺特点,研究了爆炸焊接工艺在制造高炉 风口生的应用。

  • Techno-economic indicators such as coke ratio equivalent and utilization factor have been improved based on finding charge rules of bell-less BF top optimizing operating and adjusting tuyere layout .

    通过实践摸索出适合无料钟炉顶操作的布料规律,优化操作制度,调整 风口布局,使高炉综合焦比、利用系数等各项技术经济指标明显提高。

  • The tuyere center measuring method and error analysis of iron-smelting furnace

    炼铁高炉 风口中心测定方法及误差分析

  • Analysis on Influencing Factors of Blast Furnace Tuyere Life & New Suggestions

    高炉 风口寿命影响因素的分析及一些新建议

  • Study of Prolonging the Life of Tuyere in Blast Furnace No.1 in WISCO

    关于延长武钢1号高炉 风口使用寿命的研究

  • The deficient tuyere with chop and change of temperature often causes block dropping .

    风口 暗淡,凉热变化无常,经常出现下大块。

  • The temperature distribution of the tuyere as well as the influence of impurity and incrustation scale on the temperature field of the tuyere were investigated using numerical simulation method .

    为此,用计算机模拟的方法研究了 高炉 风口的温度分布及杂质含量和水垢对水冷铜风口温度场的影响。

  • Process analysis and die design for manufacturing front cap of tuyere

    紫铜 风口前帽锻件成形工艺分析及模具设计

  • Study of the surface temperature distribution and impacting factor in tuyere

    高炉 风口表面温度分布及影响因素的研究

  • Ring crack aggravated by water leakage from tuyere and penetration of zinc alkali metal slag and iron .

    风口漏水使锌碱金属及渣铁渗入 继续加剧了环裂;

  • Using the results of tuyere coke sampling to guide blast furnace operation


  • Design Analysis of Soft Water Closed Circulating of Blast Furnace Tuyere Small Sleeve

    电机用闭式循环 冷却器高炉 风口小套软水密闭循环设计分析

  • The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower through the hot blast main bustle pipe bootleg blowpipe and tuyere .

    热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和 风口不断鼓人高炉。

  • Zinc in coagulation in tuyere existed in the state of metal Zn or lead-zinc alloy .

    锌在 风口凝结物中的存在形式为金属锌或铅锌合金。

  • A Mathematical Model to Predict the Erosion of BF Tuyere Due to the Pulverized Coal Injection

    煤粉喷吹使高炉 风口磨损的预测模型

  • 3D Numerical Simulation on Temperature Field and Flow Field in the Tuyere of Blast Furnace ( BF ) Based on the Fluent Software

    基于Fluent的高炉 风口流场和温度场的模拟

  • Tuyere surface suction motor clean and dust the surface of the shell ;

    清洁电机吸 风口表面和壳体表面的灰尘;

  • In order to prolong working life of the lining sleeve for the blast furnace tuyere the corrosion mechanism of lining sleeve was studied by the methods of SEM XRD and oxidation at high temperature .

    为了延长高炉 风口衬套的使用寿命,采用SEM,XRD和实验手段,研究 宝钢 风口衬套的侵蚀机理。