


  • Under my tutelage he will undoubtedly make the grade .

    在我的 监护下,他绝对会升级的。

  • Answer : Dr. Sun Yat-sen originally envisaged the three stages of military rule political tutelage and constitutional government .

    答:军政、 、宪政三个时期的划分,原是孙中山先生说的。

  • In my mind he the hope is generous good the health has the tutelage deeply loves the life has certain viability .

    我心目中的他,希望是宽厚,善良、健康、有 修养、热爱生活,有一定生活能力。

  • Among its founders was Alexander Thomas Niven under whose tutelage George A.


  • He made good progress under her tutelage .

    他在她的 教导下进步很大。

  • Obviously this is the biggest tournament that you won last year under the tutelage of BG .

    很明显,这是你去年和 BG合作 得到的最大的冠军。

  • Moreover under the tutelage of an energetic UN team in Baghdad the system for the provincial elections provides for open lists whereas last time they were closed .

    而且,在积极的联合国巴格达小组的 指导下,省级选举规定开放候选人名单,而上一次是封闭的。

  • It had deprived Michael of two years of valuable experience and training under his father 's tutelage .

    那个行动使迈克尔丧失了在他父亲 监护 之下的两年的实际锻炼。

  • Is reasonable charming is humorous fills the hope and the enthusiasmto the life likes art has the certain literature tutelage understands the appreciation beautiful scene delicacies .

    通情达理,风趣幽默,对生活充满希望和热情,喜欢艺术,有一定的文学 修养、得欣赏美景佳肴。

  • Presently along with society 's progress and medico 's increase how strengthens to the teaching base concurrent job teacher 's moral tutelage proposed the new task .

    当前,随着社会的进步,及医学生的增多,如何加强对教学基地兼职教师的道德 修养,提出了新的课题。

  • Under the past tutelage of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ( only the greatest scorer in NBA history ) Andrew Bynum also has the privilege of learning and practicing with Pau Gasol on a daily basis .

    除了 贾巴尔(NBA史上最伟大的得分手)的 指导,拜纳姆在平时训练中还享有与加索尔学习切磋的机会。

  • Those countries most badly affected by panicked selling 13 years ago learned harsh lessons in leverage several of them under the tutelage of the International Monetary Fund .

    13年前,那些受恐慌抛售打击最严重的国家,在举债问题上吸取了沉痛教训,其中几个国家被置于国际货币基金组织(imf)的 监护 之下

  • I gained valuable training under his tutelage .

    在他的 守护下,我得到有价值的训练。

  • Then enhances own tutelage once more !

    进而再次提高自身的 修养

  • The long years of political tutelage have yielded nothing .


  • He 's acquired all his skills under your expert tutelage .

    他的技术全得 你的 真传

  • Myself disposition lively open and bright bears hardships and stands hard work has the desire to do better versatile the thought is progressive has the good moral tutelage the special skill fine arts the basic skills are solid .

    本人,性格活泼开朗,吃苦耐劳,有上进心,多才多艺,思想进步,有良好的道德 修养。特长美术,基本功扎实。

  • The simplicity of the table is intentional for purposes of tutelage .

    该表的简易性旨在便于 监护

  • I am extremely interested in investment banking and would love nothing more than to learn under your tutelage .

    我对投资银行特别感兴趣,无比渴望在您的 指导下学习。

  • Since he has proclaimed that the period of political tutelage will be shortened he should not reject the demand for reorganizing the government and the Supreme command .

    他已宣布“缩短 时期”,就不应该拒绝人们改组政府和改组统帅部的要求。

  • They began to aspire to throw off monarchical tutelage .

    他们开始渴望摆脱君主政体的 监护

  • But some nations find it impossible to live under the tutelage of another .

    但有些民族无法忍受在其他 民族 监护下生活。

  • All this accentuates the Russian sense of having come under a kind of colonial tutelage .

    所有这一切,使俄国更痛切地 觉得 自己置身于某种殖民 托管 之下

  • Far from resenting such tutelage I am only too glad to avail myself of it .

    我决不憎恨这种 教育相反,我十分高兴对它加以利用。

  • Is willing you to be gentle to be good positive upward the Beijing nationality has the tutelage has the hobby to be close mutually each other can understand mutually .

    愿你温柔、善良,积极向上,北京籍,有 修养,相互间有爱好相近,彼此能相互理解。

  • Or is it the unbeliever under your tutelage .

    还是你受你 监护的异教徒。

  • Years of price 's tutelage prepared him for the launch of his own discount chain in1983 .

    经过普莱斯多年的 教导,西格尔在1983年成立自己的第一家折扣连锁店。

  • Hand in hand with the military preparation came a period of political tutelage .

    在进行军事准备的同时,还开展了一次政治 教育 运动

  • My heart in of him : sincere has the tutelage take a little humor understand the delight of life the heart of the warm .

    我心中的他:真诚、有 修养,带点小幽默,懂生活情趣,内心温暖的人。