


  • Research and Establish of Quantificational Detection of the Remain of Carbon Monoxide in Frozen Tunny The determination of carboxymyoglobin in tuna fillet

    金枪鱼中CO残存 的定量检测方法的研究及建立金枪鱼鱼片中碳氧肌红蛋白含量的测定

  • Gas chromatography technique for quantificational detecting the remain of carbon monoxide in tunny bought from markets was studied and established by determining the concentration of CO precision of instrument recovery of added CO gas in tunny with different conditions .

    实验研究了以气相层析法定量测定市场所 金枪鱼中CO的残存 ,并通过测定不同状态金枪鱼肉中CO的含量及精密度,回收率试验进而达到建立此检测方法的目的。

  • And you ain 't got tunny blood .

    并且你没有 特里 家族的血统。

  • Preliminary research on the structure and design of the tunny longline ' fishing gear


  • While in food group the most common allergen was cod fish tunny and scallop ( 106 / 160 ) .

    食物组过敏原以鳕鱼、 金枪鱼、扇贝(106/160)为 最高