turbo refrigerator


  • Factors influencing functional reliability of a turbo refrigerator for environment test chambers

    环境室 涡轮 制冷 工作可靠性影响因素分析

  • A small cold air refrigerator based on the reverse Brayton cycle is developed and a new type of foil journal bearing is used in the turbo expander which is the key component of cold air refrigerator .

    设计了一台小型透平逆布雷顿循环空气 制冷机,并将一种新型的箔片径向气体轴承应用在该 制冷机系统的 透平膨胀机上。

  • The Development of High speed Gas Bearings for Aviation turbo - refrigerator

    航空高速 涡轮 制冷 气体轴承的研制

  • Experimental study of small high speed cryogenic turbo expander for air refrigerator

    空气 制冷 中小流量 透平膨胀机的试验研究

  • Development of Small Turbo Reverse-Brayton Cycle Air Refrigerator

    小型 透平逆布雷顿循环空气 制冷 的研制