tuning control


  • Based on MCS-51 single chip computer a real time parallel process plan for the typical self tuning control algorithm is presented in the paper .

    本文对典型的自 校正 控制算法提出了一种基于MCS-51单片机的并行处理方案。

  • Self - tuning control of passive electrohydraulic loading system

    被动式电液加载系统的自 校正 控制

  • Hybrid Simulation Research of Implicit Generalized Predictive Self Tuning Control Algorithm

    隐式广义预测自 校正 控制算法的混合仿真研究

  • Software for LQG Self & tuning Control

    LQG自 校正 控制软件

  • A linear perturbation MODEL-BASAD self tuning control technique for industrial robots

    一种基于线性化摄动模型的机器人自 校正 控制方法

  • BBO-OPO high-precision wavelength tuning control system

    BBO-OPO高精度波长 调谐 控制系统

  • We present a new neural net based self tuning control which can effectively control complicated multivariable nonlinear systems .

    建立了一种新型的神经网络自 校正 预测 控制器,可有效地控制复杂的多变量非线性系统。

  • Globally Stable Generalized Predictive Self Tuning Control Algorithm and Model Reference Adaptive Control Algorithm

    全局稳定广义预测自 校正 控制算法与模型参考适应控制算法

  • A new multivariable fuzzy self tuning control system

    一种新型多变量模糊 自适应 控制系统的研究

  • Self tuning control of the variable frequency motor system for hydraulic elevator

    电机变频控制液压电梯系统的自 校正 自适应 控制

  • Generalized Predictive Self Tuning Control Algorithm Based on Input Matching & The White Noise Case

    基于输入匹配的广义预测自 校正 控制算法&白噪声情况

  • In the paper the principle of high-power transmitter automatic tuning control is elaborated and its main logic design is amply explained .

    本文阐述了大功率发射机自动 调谐 控制的原理,对该系统的核心逻辑设计进行了详细说明。

  • A multivariable self & tuning control algorithm based on a multistep predictor

    一种基于多步预测的多变量自 校正 控制算法

  • The system performance is analyzed and a plan of designing heavy medium coal preparation process control system with the application of self tuning control principle is put forward its control algorithm is given and the computer system simulation on different control algorithms is introduced .

    分析了系统特征,提出了运用自 校正 控制原理设计重介质选煤过程控制系统的方案,给出了其控制算法,并对不同控制算法进行了计算机系统仿真。

  • Self - Tuning Control with discrete sliding Mode for the Machining Process

    机械加工过程的离散滑模自 校正 控制

  • Pole Assignment Self Tuning Control and Its Application in Gauge Control System for Cold Strip Mill

    极点配置自 校正 控制及其在冷带轧机厚控系统中的应用

  • To reduce the vibration in the suspension semi active suspension system was employed . And its CARMA model was built . Two adaptive control schemes the minimum variance self tuning control algorithm and the pole configuration self tuning control algorithm were proposed .

    为了减小车辆悬挂系统的振动,采用半主动悬挂系统作为对象,并建立了其CARMA模型,提出了自适应控制中的两种算法:最小方差自 校正 控制算法和极点配置自校正控制算法。

  • This method applies the fuzzy neural network to the control of the closed loop of speed tuning control rules real time with the change of the system .

    该方法将模糊神经网络应用于无刷双馈电机调速的闭环控制,根据速度偏差 在线 调整 控制规则,以达到控制的目的。

  • Real Time Parallel Process of Self Tuning Control Algorithm Based on MCS-51 Single Chip Computer

    基于MCS-51单片机的自 校正 控制算法实时并行处理

  • When the parameters of objects in control change greatly the general Feedback Optimal and Tuning Control are often impossible to solve the problem successfully thus result in Adaptive Control .

    当被控对象参数变化范围很大时,一般的反馈控制、最优控制和 校正 控制往往无法圆满解决问题,由此产生了自适应控制。

  • This paper presents the adaptive and self - tuning control strategy and algorithms for vehicle suspension design .

    本文研究了车辆主动悬架自适应与自 校正 控制的策略与算法。

  • Study on the Problem of Self & tuning Control Offset and It 's Elimination

    校正 控制的静差问题与消除

  • A method of self & tuning control for the underwater robot

    水下机器人的一种自 校正 控制方法

  • An Approach to Self Tuning Control Based on Wavelet Network

    一种基于小波网络的自 校正 控制方法

  • This paper presents a kind of multivariable self tuning control with inequality dimensions of input and output . The effect of modeling errors in considered and the error compensation algorithm is described .

    本文给出了一种输入输出维数不相等的多变量自 校正 控制,并考虑了 校正 控制中存在建模误差的问题,得出了模型误差补偿的多变量 校正 控制

  • This paper establishes a globally stable generalized predictive self tuning control algorithm for a discrete time deterministic linear system with unknown time delay .

    本文为时滞未知的确定性线性系统建立了全局稳定广义预测自 校正 控制算法。

  • In this paper a self tuning control problem of transpiration ablation system with moving boundary is discussed .

    对发汗烧蚀问题的自 校正 控制进行了讨论;给出了一个基于实际观测的自 校正控制 算法

  • An off-line inertia identification method is introduced first before tuning control parameters as the system inertia has an important influence on the control performance of speed loop .

    鉴于伺服系统转动惯量对速度环控制性能有重要影响,在对系统 控制参数进行 之前,先介绍一种转动惯量的离线辨识方法。

  • By using robust estimator and correcting select method of weighting factors the robustness of self tuning control is improved . By selecting reference model desired response property of system is established .

    采用鲁棒的估计器和改进加权因子的选择方法改善自 校正 控制的鲁棒性,通过选择参考模型确定系统的希望响应特性。

  • To solve the problem of uneasiness in tuning control loops Neural Network Fuzzy PID Auto-tuning technology is applied in the networked control system .

    提出了用神经网络模糊PID自整定技术解决控制系统参数 的问题的方案。