



  • Mr Tucker said he thought employees would stop coming to work at an institution slated for closure .


  • A group of southern sea lions lazes on a rocky outcrop off Tucker Island in Chilean Tierra del Fuego .

    一组的南部海狮懒散在一处岩石的露头 塔克岛智利火地岛之外。

  • Mr Tucker did not mean this however .


  • In Rush Hour 3 partners Lee ( Chan ) and Carter ( Tucker ) are back together .

    在《尖峰时刻3》中,李(成龙饰)和卡特( 塔克)这两 搭档再次聚首。

  • The Bank of England has repeatedly declined to comment on Mr. Tucker 's behalf .

    英国央行一再拒绝对 塔克的行为发表评论。

  • C : Yes I 'm Adam Tucker .

    C:好的,我叫 亚当·塔克

  • Mrs Tucker also showed her talent while swimming in the Red Sea on a holiday to Egypt .

    在埃及度假的时候, 塔克奶奶还在红海游泳时展示了她的天赋。

  • Do I have to put on my best bib and tucker ?

    我一定要穿最好的 衣服吗?

  • She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker .

    她向女学生 卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇 奖状

  • You totally have a crush * On the other tucker .

    你完全爱上另一个 塔克了。

  • Have you ever dated a John tucker ?

    你也约会过一个约翰 塔克吗?

  • Istanbul is the place that has been most aggressive in enforcing building codes Dr. Tucker said .

    伊斯坦布尔是执行建筑规范最积极的地方, 塔克说。

  • Mr. Tucker faced more than two hours of sometimes heated questioning .

    塔克 接受了两个多小时的 质询期间 不免遭遇 言辞激烈的提问。

  • Tyson put in some telling blows to tucker 's chin .

    泰森重击了 塔克的下颚几拳。

  • I must wear our best bib and tucker to go to the firm 's annual dinner .

    我必须穿上最好的衣服, 参加公司一年一度的宴会。

  • Live and let live is what I say tucker .

    我是说“ 相互关爱, 共享生命”, 塔克

  • The cooker 's got your Tucker waiting .

    厨师已准备好 饭菜 等你 了。

  • I am dating John tucker .

    我跟 约翰塔克 约会中。

  • As the financial times has written Mr Tucker would have been an excellent choice .

    正如英国《金融时报》此前登载的 文章中所 指出的, 塔克本是一个杰出的人选。

  • Mr Tucker believes the value of the Asian business is being overlooked .


  • Chocolate is the John tucker * Of all snack food .

    巧克力就是所有食物中的 约翰塔克

  • As well as Mr King and Mr Tucker there will be Charlie Bean Paul Fisher and Andrew Haldane .

    他们分别是金、 塔克、查理·本、保罗·费舍尔和安德鲁·霍尔丹。

  • But in John tucker 's case I 'll make an exception .

    但是对于 约翰塔克来说是个例外。

  • Just remember when you mess with a John tucker .

    要千万记得惹上 约翰塔克

  • Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper .

    小汤米? 塔克正在为晚餐歌唱。

  • Mr Tucker also said yesterday that recent market turmoil may present opportunities to snap up rivals .

    1 23塔克还表示,近期的市场动荡可能提供了抢购竞争对手的良机。

  • Mrs Tucker said : ' It 's just something I have done all my life really . I don 't know why I can do it and other people can 't.

    塔克 奶奶说:这真的只是一件我做了一辈子的事,我也不知道为什么我可以做到,而别人就不行。

  • Very very soft soil and the soft soil amplifies seismic motion Dr. Tucker said .

    非常非常软的土壤,松软的土壤放大了震动, 塔克博士说。

  • Mr. Tucker was ensnared last week in the scandal .
