tung oil


  • The chief crops of Shaanxi are Wheat millet cotton soybeans and corn . Rice tea and tung oil are produced in the south and fruit orchards are cultivated in the upland areas .

    陕西的主要农作物为小麦、小米、棉花、大豆、玉米,其南部出产大米、茶、 桐油,丘陵地区主要种植果园。

  • Preparation of Biodiesel from Tung oil by Two-step Catalyzed Process

    两步法催化 桐油制备生物柴油的研究

  • Release features and surface topography of coated urea with rosin and tung oil as film-forming materials ;

    研究了化学 镀锡预镀溶液的组成和 工艺条件对镀层厚度和表面形貌的影响。

  • Synthesis and thermal resistance of nano-SiO_2 / tung oil / boron phenolics hybrid material was studied .

    对纳米SiO2/ 桐油/硼酚醛杂化材料的制备及耐热性进行了试验研究。

  • The Changes in the Use of Tung Oil and the Rising of International Tung Oil Market in Modern Times


  • Taking tung oil sample as the objective refractive index and content of free fatty acids were tested .

    桐油样品为对象,测试其折光指数和游离脂肪酸含量,对所得数据通过F检验来 判断样品的 均匀性。

  • The Effect of Hematite and Malachite to the Aging of Tung Oil and Chinese Lacquer

    赤铁矿及孔雀石对 桐油和大漆老化性能的影响

  • Enzymatic Synthesis of Biodiesel Fuel from Tung Oil in Ionic Liquid

    离子液体中脂肪酶催化 桐油合成生物柴油的研究

  • The construction of the Zhonghua Gate along with the city wall was obviously a massive undertaking but utilized a creation of lime water glutinous rice and tung oil to cement the bricks in place .

    南京的城墙,显而易见是一项巨大的工程,但是却能用石灰、水、糯米和 桐油将砖块粘结在固定的位置,非常神奇。

  • Modified tung oil soak experiment in the repair of tiled floor in ancient architecture ( 1 );

    古建维修中砖地面改性 桐油 试验研究(一)

  • The thermosetting reaction of the epoxy resin / tung oil acid anhydride / neodymium acetylacetonate ( AD ) system was studied .

    对环氧树脂/ 桐油酸酐/乙酰丙酮钕体系的热固化反应进行了研究。

  • Process to prepare epoxy ester from tung oil and influence of tung oil to resin performance are given .

    介绍了用 桐油制备环氧酯的工艺,以及桐油对树脂性能的影响。

  • The reaction between Tung Oil and phenol has been studied .

    本文研究了 桐油和苯酚在酸催化剂存在下的反应过程。

  • Tung oil is a Chinese specialty .


  • The umbrellas on the long chair still smelt of fresh tung oil .

    放在长条椅上的油纸伞还散着新鲜 桐油 香气

  • Study on Preparation of Solid Bases Catalysts and Extraction of Tung Oil for the Synthesis of Biodiesel

    生物柴油合成用固体碱催化剂和 原料 桐油的应用基础研究

  • Located in the main production area of tung oil the company can produce such transparent and clear tung oil with good quality slight color low water impurity and low acid value .

    我公司地处 中国 优质 桐油的主产区,生产的桐油品质优良,色泽浅,水杂低、酸价低,油液透明澄清。

  • Properties and Kinetics of curing of C_ ( 21 ) Polyamides as Epoxy Curing Agents Derived from Tung Oil


  • Study on the determination of tung oil adulterated in vegetable oils by first derivative spectrophotometry

    一阶导数光谱法测定食用植物油中 桐油掺混的研究

  • The reaction of catalpa oil tung oil and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene gives alkyd resin with quick-drying property .

    利用梓油和 桐油以及带端羟基的聚丁二烯(下文简称丁羟)合成了具有快干特征的醇酸树脂。

  • It can replace natural tung oil and flax oil lacked in market to produce alkyd or fatty acid ready mixed enamel . Genetic Transformation in Oleaginous Fungus Rhizopus Arrhizus of Antisense VeFAD_2 Gene

    可代替市场紧缺的天然 桐油和亚麻油,加工成各色醇酸调和瓷漆和脂酸调和瓷漆。反义千年桐油酸脱氢酶基因在产油真菌少根根霉中的遗传转化研究

  • Its chief exports were tung oil and camphor .


  • Cytotoxic effect of triacylglycerols in tung oil on human tumor cells cultured in vitro


  • The use of tung oil for lighting dwellings has seen its day .


  • PERFORMANCE OF CLAY IMPROVED WITH TUNG OIL AND STICKY RICE JUICE Performance improvement of crumb rubber modified asphalt with FCC slurry furfural extract

    经过 桐油、糯米汁改性粘土的土工特性FCC油浆糠醛抽出油改善胶粉改性沥青性能的研究

  • The synthesis process of phenolic resin modified with boron and tung oil is given in this paper its physical and chemical properties are studied by test and the relative analysis is carried out .

    研究了硼 桐油改性酚醛树脂的合成工艺,对其物化性能进行了试验研究和分析。

  • There are hundreds of related plants including rubber trees trees that produce castor and tung oil and the cassava a root crop .

    大戟属植物多达数百种,包括橡胶树、各种产蓖麻油和 桐油的树木,以及木薯这类块根作物等。

  • The permeabilities of leachate and diesel exhibit no obvious changes compared with water permeability indicating that the polymer film of tung oil is stable .

    同时采用渗滤液和柴油进行渗透试验,渗透系数无明显变化,表明 桐油形成的高分子膜比较稳定,没有被侵蚀或溶解;

  • Oil paper : A type of converted papers made by immersing the base paper on oil such as linseed oil or tung oil and then process .

    油纸:将原纸浸渍在油中,例如亚麻仁油或 桐油,再经处理而成的一种加工纸。

  • The permeabilities of all kinds of improved soils significantly decrease by1 ~ 2 orders of magnitude indicating that a variety of soils can be improved by tung oil and sticky rice juice .

    改良后土体的平均渗透系数均大幅减小,达1~2个数量级,说明 桐油和糯米汁对多种土类均有效。