


  • Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed .

    舌尖 风滚草 了两 ,然后猛得将其拉起来, 模仿树残桩里的进食口拖去,啜食者正是隐藏了里面。

  • Mosul reminded Eugene of a movie he said : an old western in which the bad guys take over some small town and all the townsfolk hide indoors and tumbleweed blows across the screen .

    在摩苏尔的经历让尤金想起了一部电影,那是个很老的西部片,他说,坏人们占据了小镇,所有的居民都躲在屋里, 关门闭户,银幕上 只有 大风 吹过。

  • A tumbleweed rolled by my feet and I was reminded that I was in the middle of the desert .

    风滚草 过我的脚边,提醒我已经置身于沙漠之中。

  • A player cannot determine whether a long blade of grass a twig a tumbleweed or some similar natural object interfering with his swing through the green is loose or is attached to its roots .

    一名球员不能决定妨碍到他在果岭 通道上挥杆时的一叶绿草、一个小枝、一 风滚草或者其他相似的自然物体是否是松动的或者是连 根附着的。