



  • It shows that electro-mobility could be fast and fun says Markus Lienkamp who teaches car technology at TUM .

    工业大学教授汽车技术的马库斯。林 坎普解释说,这可能是由于电动车“快,又有驾驶乐趣”。

  • Our Mission : The service letting the profession tum creates for the customer surprised and pleased !

    我们的使命:让专业化的服务为顾客 增值

  • Tum the gas on .


  • The traditional verification method can 't eliminate all the design error . Therefore many people tum to various formal verification methods to grantee the correctness of the design under any inputs .

    传统的验证手段难以排除所有的设计错误,人们 转而 求助于各种形式验证方法来保证设计在各种可能输入组合下的正确性。

  • This paper outline the generation of squeezed soliton entanglement and the development of the quan - tum teleportation in theory and experiment with quantum soliton in fiber . Currently the teleportation with quantum soliton is the most promising scheme .

    主要介绍了孤子压缩态产生,纠缠态制备以及利用 孤子进行量子通信的理论和实验进展,利用量子孤子进行 连续 变量的量子通信,是量子通信中目前最好的一种方案。

  • There largely developed volcano erupting and effusing of the lava from the deep stra - tum in West Pacific which provided plentiful sources for the crusts coming into being .

    西太平洋由于大规模火山活动存在,深层 熔岩上涌,为结壳的形成提供了丰富的物质来源。

  • Water in a stream is harnessed by building a dam and putting in turbines for water to tum .

    河流里的水可以借助于建筑 水坝,并安装上使水发电的水轮发电机而加以利用。

  • Development of the west region which can make its economy leap forward is a rare opportunity for the west area during another tum of reform & opening to the outside world .

    西部大开发是西部地区在新一 改革开放条件下实现经济腾飞的 良机。

  • The rum tum tugger doesn 't care for a cuddle .

    若腾塔格不在意 抱抱

  • Tum introduces modern children 's books in the west to the next generation of Chinese children in a bi-lingual fashion .

    图书出版以中英文双语的方式,为中国新时代儿童引进现代西方儿童 经典 作品

  • A : Why didn 't Henry tum up at the meeting .

    为什么 Henry没有出席会议呢?

  • Tum also publishes bi-lingual modern children 's books by Chinese authers to the world .

    同时, 图书向世界以中英文双语的方式出版现代中国儿童读物。

  • Changes of Plasma M_2-PK Concentration in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients After the Operation

    胃肠肿瘤术后 TuM 2-PK含量的变化

  • In this paper high performances are reviewed of semiconductor quan - tum wire ( QWR ) lasers with extremely low threshold currents ( in the μ A range ) considerably high modulation bandwidth and narrow spectral linewidth and low temperature sensitivity .

    本文评述了极低闽值电流(在微安范围内)、较高调制带宽、较窄谱线宽和低的温度灵敏度的半导体 量子线(QWR)激光器的优异性能。

  • 1103s was a new chlorophyll national mutant of which leaves and sheaths would tum into green-yellow band when treated with varied temperature .

    水稻温敏突变系 1103s是一个在特定变温条件下,叶片和叶稍部都出现间断失绿性状的叶绿素突变新类型。

  • A variation on a classic combat scene : bull-man and hero stabbing one of two lions which in tum are attacking a human-headed bull .

    一个经典战斗场面的变奏:牛头人和英雄一起刺杀两头狮子中的一头,这 两头狮子正在攻击一只长着人头的公牛。

  • A : Would you object if I tum off the radio ?


  • An Adaptive Interacting Multiple Models Tracking Algorithm Based on Coordinated Tum Model

    基于 转弯模型的自适应交互式多模型跟踪算法

  • The TUM researchers in human biology are blazing a trail as they follow this lead .

    慕尼黑 科技 大学人类生物学的研究人员正按这个线索 继续进行研究。

  • My mother asked me to tum off the light .

    我妈妈要我 关掉灯。

  • The tum and overarm whip of one 's left side is the key factor of the distance in shot putting .

    身体左侧的 转动与鞭打是提高投掷远度的关键因素。

  • TUM Photography and Design provides photography services for the international and local market .


  • Influences of Chinese and Western Traditional Ethics Differences on Appellation A great impact it had is on the honorific speech in Japanese which in tum proves that the Confucius philosophy has shaped the thinking patterns and moral consciousness of Japanese people .

    中西方传统伦理观念的差异对英汉称谓语的影响从儒学思想对日语敬语的影响以及在日语 敬语 具体 体现中, 可以看出儒家哲学已经 深深 渗透在日本国民的思想意识与道德伦理观念之中。

  • Discussion on the Application of Clearing Method in Alleviative Treatment of Alimentary Tract Tum

    浅论通法在消化道 肿瘤姑息治疗中的应用

  • The results show that the existence of cavity phase damping leads to the phenomenon that the quan - tum states of the field and the system deviate from the initial pure state .

    结果表明,由于相位损耗的存在使得光场和系统的 量子 偏离初始纯态。

  • Tum the gas off .


  • I 'd like to lose some weight from my tum .

    我希望 肚子