


v.卷起塞进( tuck的现在分词 )翻折盖住

  • I know that tucking in my daughters that night I grasped a little bit of heaven .

    我知道在那晚我为女儿们 被子时,我嗅到了一丝天堂的 气息

  • What ? This ? This is my lucky helmet I said tucking strands of hair beneath the cap .

    “怎么?这个吗?这是我的幸运头盔,”我说, 一缕头发压在帽子下面。

  • One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small sun into bed .

    一个夏天的晚上,雷雨大作,母亲 小男孩上床 被窝

  • He hasn 't said a word . he 's just tucking into his dinner .

    他一句话也没说, 默默 吃着。

  • America are dolloping extra mayonnaise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries .

    然而在美国腹地,夫妇们又 过多的蛋黄酱抹在他们的 巨无霸汉堡包上,再来上一大袋薯条。

  • I fold my arms tucking my notebook under one arm to hide it .

    我交叉起手臂, 日记本 上藏在一只手臂下。

  • Even the policemen opposite the Roman amphitheatre were tucking into a plate of brightly coloured pickles with olives and bread as they idly surveyed the odd tourist .

    即便是在罗马圆形剧场对面的警察,也会在他们懒洋洋地调查可疑游客时, 一盘颜色鲜亮的 泡菜,配以橄榄和面包。

  • The turtleneck covers the neck so tucking your hair up is a great idea if you wanna reveal your face a little more while letting the turtleneck become the focal point of your look .

    高领毛衣包裹住了脖子,所以如果你想要多暴露脸部一点,就 你的头发扎起来,要让你的高领毛衣成为你打扮的重点。

  • He crouched tucking his knees under his chin .

    他蜷曲着, 两个膝盖 缩拢在颚下。

  • Beth tucking me in every night .

    贝斯每天晚上 毯子

  • She took out her tucking comb and let fall the longest and most beautiful roll of hair I have ever seen .

    她取下插在头发上的 木梳,放下我所见过的最长最美丽的一卷头发,然后从头发 拿出一个 包裹

  • Women could raise their chances of getting pregnant by tucking into ice cream scientists said .

    研究人员指出, 食用 脂肪的乳 制品可以降低妇女不 排卵的风险,妇女可以通过多 食用 含有 脂肪的冰淇淋来增加怀孕的几率。

  • Tucking away the photos she prepared to say goodbye to this man she had encountered by chance .

    她收好了照片,打算和这 邂逅的青年告别。

  • When tucking into a meal in Egypt by-pass the saltshaker .

    在埃及吃饭,不要使用 盐瓶

  • Richard came towards us tucking in his Hawaiian shirt as he walked .

    理查德向我们 走来 走边 他的夏威夷汗衫。

  • I can assure you that we have every chance of tucking his ass into jail .

    我敢向你担保,我们完全有把握将这头 蠢驴塞进监狱。

  • Then he spent several minutes in tucking the lower part of the woman 's chemise which he wore into his trousers .

    接着他花了几分钟 身上穿的那件女人衬衫的下摆 塞进裤腰。

  • I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in .

    在给这些男孩们 被子 他们 乖乖 睡觉前,我会给他们唱首歌或讲一个故事听。

  • ' Probably ' I said tucking in my shirt

    “大概吧,”我边说 衬衫 了进去。

  • NET3.5 and if you haven 't read it I suggest you do before tucking in to this as some of that code is important to understand what 's happening here .

    NET3.5里的增强,如果你还没有读过,我建议你深入本帖之前 读一下,因为那些代码对理解本帖很重要。

  • He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children

    他主要待在家里, 孩子们 被子 睡觉

  • Human beings have no tails but why talk about tucking the tail between the legs ?

    人本来是没有尾巴的,为什么要夹紧 尾巴呢?

  • ' My mum was tucking me in and I said I wanted a doll 's house from Father Christmas ' explains Sarah .

    解释说:当时母亲正 被子,我说我想向圣诞老人要个玩偶小屋。

  • The research result shows that the tucking gathering and princess silhouette was mostly accepted by experts .

    研究结果显示,以 浮立 技法 规则 下摆之公主线型轮廓线,最受专家所青睐。

  • We want OTF this tucking island !

    我们要离开这 该死的小岛!

  • How about tucking a portable GPS unit in her backpack ?

    在他们的 背包里放一个便携式GPS 机会怎么样呢?

  • Westerners visiting South Korea are often surprised to find locals tucking into kimchi pickled cabbage for breakfast .

    访问韩国的西方人经常惊奇地发现,当地人早餐喜欢吃 泡菜

  • So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started tucking into the large one .

    于是,哈里就把小的给了妹妹,自己 狼吞虎咽 那只大的。

  • Tucking these options away simplifies the search box .
