U.S. reports

[法] 美国判例汇编

  • The characteristics of U.S. news reports and the embodied values

    美国新闻 报道的特点及体现的价值取向

  • Risk disclosure in U.S. firm 's annual reports and its implications

    美国 年报风险披露的 现状和启示

  • A killer whale at the SeaWorld in Orlando U.S. will not be isolated according to AP reports .

    据美联社 报道一只在 美国奥兰多海洋世界的杀人鲸鲸将不会再保持隔离。

  • More clinical trials are now under way in China than in India according to a U.S. - based registry that lists clinical trials from around the world the Financial Times reports .

    财经时报 报道:根据在 美国已注册的全球临床试验数据可知,现在在中国比在印度有更多的临床试验在进行中。