twisted hair


  • She twisted her hair into a bun and pinned it at the back of her head .

    头发 成一个髻,用发夹别在脑后。

  • A shuffling bent old man with a twisted hair piece opened the peeling door the color of dried blood .

    一个头戴 卷曲 假发,慢腾腾拖着脚走路的驼背老头打开那颜色象干血似的,油漆剥落的门。

  • Twisted bent or partially rolled upon itself ; convolute . He hair waves naturally .

    旋转 卷曲的自行旋转、弯曲或部分卷曲的;盘旋卷曲的她的 头发自己卷曲。

  • His mouth was twisted in anguish his hair was burnt and his face was black and smoking where the molten gold had run down across his brow and cheeks and into his eyes .

    嘴唇痛苦地 扭曲 ,他的 头发全部燃尽,熔化的金子流过的部分,无论眉毛或脸颊或是眼睛,无一不焦黑地在冒烟。

  • Maybe twisted cuts a little too close to the bone but carrying ANYTHING by its hair just seems a little odd .

    也许,( 头发 辫子再剪掉有点太极端了,但是用它们来携带任何东西,看起来也有点儿奇怪。

  • She twisted up her tangled hair .

    她把散乱的 头发 起来。

  • Her figure looked singularly tall and imposing as she stood in her long white nightgown a thick cable of twisted dark hair hanging straight down her back to her waist .

    她穿着白色的长睡衣站在那儿,个子显得特别高大,神情显得特别威严, 上一条粗大的黑色 辫子,从脑后一直垂到了腰下。