



v.闪烁( twinkle的现在分词 )(眼睛)闪亮(经光照耀而)闪闪发光(舞蹈者的双脚)轻快地移动

  • So grand are the twinkling planets in your financial sector that you are sure to notice the change .

    影响你财政收入的行星如此 闪耀宏伟,所以你肯定已经感觉到了这点;

  • About three miles away I could see the town where several lights were twinkling .

    我可以看到约三英里外那座城市中几盏 闪烁的灯火。

  • If let me evaluate Gates with a word that is him twinkling human wisdom and brightness .

    假如让我用一句话来评价盖茨,那就是他 闪烁 人性的聪明和光辉。

  • I can see stars the twinkling stars .

    我看见了星星, 晶晶 星星

  • Ten years have passed in a twinkling .


  • That 's fantastic . He 's vanished in the twinkling of an eye .

    他怎么 一转眼就不见了,真见鬼。

  • Twinkling of an eye a year has passed the queen 's first child was born .


  • The boy vanished in the twinkling of an eye .

    这孩子 眼就不见了。

  • She fetched her parents in the twinkling of an eye .

    转眼之间 把父母找来了。

  • The sky was studded with twinkling stars .

    天上缀满了 星星

  • Remaining bits of bronze sank away from sight . A star or two began twinkling .

    剩下的点点青铜色也淡出了视野,一两颗星星开始 闪烁了。

  • The only motion seemed to be in the glowing twinkling stars every blade of grass was asleep .

    似乎只有那些 闪烁 发光的星星在移动,每一片草都熟睡了。

  • The Milky Way upon the heavens is twinkling just for you .

    宝贝,你看到了 ?天上的 星星都为你 闪烁

  • How time flies ! A week has passed in the twinkling of an eye .

    时间过得真快! 转眼 一个星期就过去了。

  • Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky .

    在辽阔无垠的天空上 到处是繁星 闪烁

  • Almost in the twinkling of an eye he was so far away that he could hardly be seen .

    霎眼,他就 远了,差不多看不见了。

  • They have drained him in the twinkling of an eye .

    他们一 眨眼 把他吸干了。

  • And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof .

    这时,一道 闪光 飞过,我听到了在房顶上。

  • She smiled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes .

    她对我微笑,一双令人难忘的蓝眼睛 闪烁 光芒

  • I 'll be with you in the twinkling of an eye .

    我马上会来你 这儿的。

  • On a clear night you can see myriad stars twinkling in the sky .

    在晴朗的夜晚,你可以看到无数的星星在天空 闪烁

  • This is so exciting ! My eyes were twinkling .

    “真是太刺激了!”我的双眼 闪闪 发亮

  • Their eyes were caught by the twinkling of the diamonds .

    他们的眼睛被钻石的 光辉吸引住了。

  • He finished his drink in the twinkling of an eye .

    他一 眨眼 功夫 把酒喝完了。

  • The seasons change fast and 15 years more have passed in a twinkling .

    斗转星移, 转眼 过了15年。

  • The warm fire twinkling Christmas lights and laughter from family brought a contented smile to my face .

    看着温暖的炉火、 闪烁的圣诞灯光, 听着家人们欢声笑语,我脸上露出了满意的微笑。

  • While starlight is twinkling .

    而星光 闪烁

  • The sky was dark stars were twinkling high above night was reigning and everything was sunk in silken silence .

    天很黑,星很繁, 夜阑人静

  • All this that came and went in the twinkling of an eye was branded forever upon my heart .

    所有这些都是在 眨眼 瞬间 发生和消逝了的,这一切将永远铭刻在我的心上。