type array

[taɪp əˈre][taip əˈrei]


  • Through planning electrodes ' path the shapes of HIT character type array reciprocating straight arc and quadrilateral are deposited .

    通过对电极的路径规划,实现了HIT字符 阵列、往复直线、圆弧、四边形等形状的沉积。

  • An interesting feature of the F # version is that the type of the array is never declared .

    F版本一个有趣的特性是 数组 类型不需要声明。

  • The paper put forward three important controlling factors of the remains forming including oil reservoir geology type oil reservoir project type and well-net array etc.

    提出了剩馀油形成的三大控制因素,包括油藏地质类、油藏工程 和井网 部署等。

  • It has a Unicode string type and an array type .

    它有一个Unicode的字符串 类型 数组类型。

  • The Micelson type all-fiber laser array composed by two fiber lasers was designed .

    设计了由两支光纤激光器组成的迈克尔逊 全光纤激光器 阵列

  • The study of fractional Talbot effect of the 2D amplitude skewed array is very important to the designation and manufacture of the new type array illumination .

    对振幅型二维斜周期阵列分数泰伯效应的研究,可以为设计和制作 新型 阵列发生器提供必要的理论依据。

  • Bad argument type In variable type array constructor

    在变量 类型 数组结构中不正确的参数类型

  • We can call this method with any kind of collection whose element type is a supertype of the element type of the array .

    我们可以使用其元素类型是 数组的元素 类型的一个子类型的任何集合调用这个方法。

  • The paper gives more description about table set type and array set type application and steps in VC + + through examples .

    结合实例详细介绍了VC+中表集合 数组集合类的使用方法和步骤。

  • If you have a SAN or another type of storage array you should try to create your arrays of equal size and type .

    如果使用了SAN或者其他 类型的存储 阵列,那么应该尝试创建具有相同大小和类型的阵列。

  • Frame structure research and manufacturing of a new type array mirror for ICF drive system

    ICF驱动系统中 新型 阵列式镜架的设计研制

  • If you cannot change the original API you can write wrapper code to convert the collection type into an array .

    如果您不能改变原始的API,那么您可以书写封装器代码,将聚集 类型转化为 数组

  • Type mismatch : array or user-defined type expected

    类型不一致:期望 数组或用户定义的类型

  • The element type of the array and the type of the value must be of the same type .

    数组的元素 类型和值的类型必须相同。

  • The future new type sensor array system possesses two features : fresh physics mechanism system and new signal processing methods .

    未来的 新型 阵列系统将具备两大特征:新的体制和新的信号处理方法。

  • Array is a type so array applied to the list is just like applying float to an int.

    array是一种 类型,所以 array应用在链表上,就相当于把浮点型应用在整形上。

  • Digital array radar is a new type of phased array radar able to increase its viability in EW especially its anti-noise jamming performance .

    数字阵列雷达是一 灵活的 阵列雷达,可以通过数字技术完成所需的若干功能,尤其是抗噪声干扰等。

  • Based on above the continuous deposition strategy of single cylinder is presented and a HIT character type array is deposited .

    在此基础上提出单圆柱连续沉积策略,得到HIT字符 阵列

  • This says that k has type array of ints temperatures has type array of doubles and names has type array of Strings .

    上面的代码表示k的 类型是int 数组,temperatures的类型是double数组,names的类型是String数组。

  • In this case you need to build a complex data type for an array of strings .

    在本例中,需要为 arrayofstrings构建一个复杂数据 类型

  • An iteration method for correcting the target coordinates determined by a locating system with a Cartesian type of array is reported .

    本文报道了一 用于直角坐标 水下定位系统的声 线修正的迭代法。

  • The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to store an element of the wrong type within an array .

    当试图在 数组中存储 类型不正确的元素时引发的异常。

  • The configuration of the interference type fiber laser array is novelty and is easy to carry out array combining .

    耦合 光纤激光器 阵列结构新颖,是一种较容易实现阵列耦合输出的结构。

  • In this article the writer 's own opinion of using Turbo C is elaborated from four aspect . First the input of two dimension float type array . Secondly the function 's declaration Thirdly the array name regarded as function parameter .

    从二维实 数组的输入、函数的声明、数组名作函数参数和多维数组的指针4个方面,阐述了使用Turboc时自己的看法。

  • In DB2 variables of type array are like variables of any other SQL data types .

    在DB2中, 类型 阵列的变量类似于任何其他SQL数据类型的变量。

  • General sorting function is a function to sort elements of different type array .

    通用排序函数是将各种 类型 数组的元素进行排序的函数。

  • New Type PIN Array Detector

    新型PIN 阵列探测器

  • The application of the new type crystal array detector in MicroPET

    新型晶体 阵列探测器在MicroPET中的应用

  • Design of a new type of array transmitting sonic sonde

    声波 阵列发射探头的设计