


  • Tobacco increased significantly the mutation rate of Salmonella typhia and the formation rate of CHO colony .

    烟草能显著地提高 伤寒 沙门氏菌突变率和CHO细胞集落形成率;

  • This article primarily analysed 60 misdiagnosed cases of typhia from the author 's department and also discussed some clinical experiences and lessons .

    本文对 20 伤寒误诊60例 初步分析,并浅谈本人的体会和教训,供同行们参考。

  • As atypical typhia is increasing in clinical practice the cases of typhia which mainly show complications are easily misdiagnosed and even lead to severe consequences .

    鉴于 伤寒临床 表现的不典型 病例 增多,以并发症为主要表现的病例更易导致误诊,甚至引起不良后果。

  • An Analysis of 60 Misdiagnosed Cases of Typhia
