type double precision

[taɪp ˈdʌbəl prɪˈsɪʒən][taip ˈdʌbl priˈsiʒən]

[计] 双精度类型

  • The DOUBLE type can also be referred to as DOUBLE PRECISION although it isn 't clear why you would want to type the extra word every time you need a double-precision number .

    DOUBLE 类型也可以表示为 DOUBLE PRECISION,虽然为什么在需要双精度数字时要输入额外的单词,原因不明。

  • The temperature control is achieved by the microcomputer intelligent type double display and PLC temperature controller which can be set up thus the temperature control precision is reliable .

    控温采用可设置的微电脑智能 显及可编程序控温仪表控温,控温 精确可靠;