


  • Abscess Scrofula and Ulcer Scrofula Treated by Clearing Up Tuberculose Focus Wading Gauze in Pus Cavity and Changing Dressing

    病灶清除 腔内填塞换药治疗脓肿、溃疡型淋巴结核

  • Results : Out of the nine tuberculose patients six healed after second operation one sinus formation two died .

    结果:9例 结核患者 再次手术后6例愈合,1例窦道形成,2例死亡;

  • Observation on clinical therapy effect of tuberculose respiratory tract choke with therapeutic procedures of tiny electronic bronchoscope cut and intervention

    经电子气管镜微创介入治疗 结核 气道阻塞临床疗效观察

  • This paper therefore considered that the mechanism of Anti & tuberculose Pulvis is associated with the intestinal flora and could improve the host statement .

    因此,本文认为抗 结核散的作用机制可能与调整肠菌群和改善免疫 功能有关。

  • X-ray examination of the chest shows hilar lymph nodes with patch or grain infiltration lung cavitates or pleural effusion which easily lead to misdiagnosis of tuberculose focus pneumonia and lung spaceoccupying lesion .

    胸部X线检查可见肺门淋巴结斑片状或粟粒样浸润、空洞或胸膜渗出等,但容易与 结核病灶、肺炎样改变及肺占位性病变等混淆。

  • Meta-analysis of determination of adenosine deaminase for differential diagnosis of tuberculose and tumorous pleural fluid and ascites

    腺苷脱氨酶用于 结核 与肿瘤性胸腹水鉴别诊断的meta分析

  • Conclusions Determination of ADA is a fast simple specific and sensitive method for differential diagnosis of tuberculose and tumorous pleural fluid and ascites .

    结论ADA检测是鉴别诊断 结核 与肿瘤性胸腹水的快速、简便、特异、敏感的方法。

  • Methods Eight articles ( three articles about tuberculose and tumorous pleural fluid five articles about tuberculose and tumorous ascites ) were selected and used for statistical processing and meta-analysis .

    方法对 入选的8篇文献(3篇腹水文献和5篇胸水文献)进行齐性检验、两个均数之差的合并及meta统计分析。

  • Objective To evaluate the value of determination of adenosine deaminase ( ADA ) for differential diagnosis of tuberculose and tumorous pleural fluid and ascites .

    目的评价腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)用于 结核 与肿瘤性胸腹水诊断的价值。