tuberculosis of kidney

[tʊˌbə:kjəˈlosɪs ʌv ˈkɪdni][tʊˌbɜ:kjəˈləʊsɪs ɔv ˈkidni]


  • Five cases of severe complications after ESWL were reported . It consisted of pyonephresis 、 extension of tuberculosis or tumor 、 atrophy of kidney due to injury and obstruction .

    本文报告体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治疗后出现严重并发症5例,包括脓肾、 结核及肿瘤扩散、损伤和梗阻引起 肾脏萎缩。

  • Analysis of 36 cases on delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis of the kidney

    36例 结核延误诊断的 临床分析

  • Results showed that it mainly due to renal tuberculosis ( 14 cases ) kidney tumors ( 10 cases ) calculus of kidney and the ureter ( 9 cases ) stricture of ureteropelvic junction ( 3 casesa ) six cases induced by the other .

    结果发现切除肾脏的原因主要是肾 结核14例,肾脏肿瘤10例, 及输尿管结石9例,肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄(UPJO)3例,其他6例。