


  • Mark-up ( Marking-up ): To use standard symbols and proof-readers ' marks to write instructions on copy or proof regarding how it should be typeset or corrected .

    排字指示:用标准符号和校对符号在原稿或稿样上,指示如何 排字或改正错误。

  • The Effects of Fentanyl and Sufentanil on Bispectral Index Scale and Cerebral State Index ; In contrast legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read .

    芬太尼、舒芬太尼对脑电双频指数及麻醉深度指数的影响与之相对,易读性描述的是 排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。

  • Graphic : ( 1 ) A sign symbol or illustration within typeset material . ( 2 ) Pertaining to visual material or artistic representation .

    印刷 美术,(2)平面艺术,(3) 美术 :(1) 文字内的标志、符号或插图。(2)有关视觉材料或美术的表达。

  • The major functional components of an early office automation system include some universal affair works such as : word processing table typeset 、 document administration style management and so on .

    早期的办公自动化系统(OfficeAutomation System简称 OAS)主要 负责文字处理、表格 编制、文档管理、行文管理等一般性事务工作。

  • Production costs are fairly high as books can be typeset in one location printed in a second and bound in a third many of these in continental Europe .

    生产成本相当高,因为这些书可能在一个地方 排版,在另一个地方印刷,然后再到另一个地方装订,横跨欧洲大陆许多地区。

  • In contrast legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read .

    与之相对,易读性描述的是 排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。

  • Make or take a proof of such as a photographic negative an etching or typeset .

    进行检验,比如照片底片,蚀刻版画, 排版 文字等。

  • Character master : A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images .

    字符母片:用来产生 字体影像的一 照相或数码字体。

  • Editing efficiency can be raised by using computers to typeset using internet to edit and using computers to proofread .

    通过利用微机编辑 排版、利用互联网完成部分编辑业务、利用计算机校 对等 途径现代 信息 技术极大地提高编辑工作效率。

  • Using these methods not only was convenient to insert letters but also could exert the drawing advantage of AutoCAD to achieve the effect of mixed typeset of the graph and letter effectively .

    利用这些方法,既可方便文字的录入,又可发挥AutoCAD的绘图优势,有效地实现图文混 的效果。

  • In january when I went to Michigan to typeset the thirteenth issue of Conrtectino link I realized that my time with the magazine eras finished .

    一月,当我去密西根州 排版联接的第十三期杂志时候,我认识到我与杂志在一起的时代结束了。

  • Typeset and saving material .

    电脑 排版,节省材料。

  • Automatic Typeset and Print of AutoCAD Drawings by PLT Files

    利用PLT文件实现AutoCAD图纸的自动 排版打印

  • I wanted to design a logo that better fit this image of IKEA without taking away some of their instant recognition by shifting the logo into more of a symbol than the standard typeset lettering .

    我想设计一个标志,更好地适应这个宜家的形象,没有带走他们的即时识别一些,通过转移到1比标准 排版文字符号更多的标志。

  • A Strategy of Structural Analysis in Typeset Mathematical Expressions Recognition

    印刷 数学公式识别中的结构分析策略

  • This paper mainly introduces the generating method of GB / T12908-91 nd check bits explains the data-generating program of databases compiled with check bits and by making use of the database function of Label View bar code typeset software .

    主要介绍了GB/T12908-91《三九条码》和校验位的生成方法,并介绍了利用LabelView标签条码 排版软件中的数据库功能,编写出的带校验位的数据库数据生成程序。

  • Make-up : To assemble typeset matter and art work into finished pages . There are paper make up and film make-up respectively . work-and-twist : A scheme of imposition which is largely used in letterpress to print complicate ruled forms for ease of setting .

    排版:把 和美术稿 拼合成一版的操作.分别有拼贴和拼菲林.扭转式:活版用的装版方式.它方便排版,多数用于印制复杂有线表格。

  • Aligned evenly with a margin as along the left or right edge of a typeset page ; not indented .

    页面相齐的如在 排字页上沿左或右边平均排列并留边;没有缩排。

  • Regarding the specific requirements on the establishment and typeset of concise passenger train graph according to the system design target and design method a CAD software system is developed to provide relevant functions for concise passenger train graph : automatic establishment compiling integration and output .

    鉴于铁路客车简明运行图编制与 排版的特殊要求,根据系统设计目标和设计方法,研制出具有客车简明运行图自动生成、编辑、合成与输出功能的CAD软件系统。

  • Determine Superscript / Subscript Relations in Typeset Mathematical Expressions Based on Statistic Features

    基于统计特征的 印刷 数学公式上/下标关系判别

  • Typeset this column in roman .

    这一栏用正体 排印

  • Several Processing Methods of Map Files Using Professional Typeset Software

    专业 排版软件中地图文件几种处理方法的探讨

  • which he also designed and typeset using only open source software .

    作者,他仅使用开放源码软件对该 进行了设计和 排版

  • We also implement the postediting of HTML files which can keep the style and typeset thus make our network-based translation software viable .

    针对网络版机译系统的特点,还实现了HTML文件的译后编辑,保持了页面的格式,使系统实用性 更强

  • Deriving and Processing Pictures of Word Documents Before Being Typeset in Founder System

    Word文档图片在方正 排版前的导出与处理

  • No nothing like that . The mosaic was pretty well done ! It was a strong and determined protest . Make-up : To assemble typeset matter and art work into finished pages . There are paper make up and film make-up respectively .

    不,没有过那样的事。那 拼版做得太棒了!那是多么坚定、有力的抗议。排版:把 和美术稿 拼合成一版的 操作.分别有拼贴和拼菲林。

  • The poetic parts are in what appears to be Classical Chinese typeset italic and so far they do not carry important information only add to the style .

    诗意的部分,用古典汉语,斜体 排版,到目前为止,他们承载重要的信息,只是锦上添花。

  • As a frontier of document processing we introduce the development in the field of processing typeset mathematic expression and point out research aspects in the future .

    作为文档处理领域内的一个前沿性研究课题,本文介绍了 印刷 数学公式处理的现状,并指出了进一步的研究方向。

  • Typeset mathematical expression has a number of features which distinguish it from conventional text . Its two-dimension structure implies that automatic mathematical expression recognition includes both symbol recognition and structure analysis .

    印刷 数学公式与普通文本 相比有许多不同的特点,其二维结构 决定了公式识别不仅包含字符识别,更重要的是对其结构的分析。

  • Agency members should undertake to typeset and artwork design of the advertisement .

    机构会员应负责其招聘 本文 打字排版设计工作。