type compatibility

[taɪp kəmˌpætəˈbɪlətɪ][taip kəmˌpætəˈbɪlətɪ]


  • From this meaning a new type of classification method using compatibility between protection and utilization concerning regional geological sites is put forward which can complement each other with the origin classification system .

    据此对区域地质遗迹资源进行保护与利用 协调 分类,可与常用的成因分类相互补充。

  • The 4.6m ~ 3 Machine type Excavation Machine Compatibility Technique Reforms Study

    4.6m~3机械 挖掘机互换 技术改造探讨

  • The two type of cells were co-cultured and analysed the compatibility between them .

    将两 细胞 培养。

  • Ca-P-Si biologic glass-ceramic is a type of new material for dental restoration with good biologic compatibility . It also looks beautiful and has improved mechanical property .

    Ca-P-Si系生物微晶玻璃是一种 新型口腔修复体材料,该材料不仅具有良好的生物 相容 ,还具有一定的美观性和力学性能。

  • As the simplest approach the direct polymer melt intercalation is the important development direction . To prepare delamination type nanocomposites both thermodynamic effects and dynamic effects must be considered the compatibility between polymer matrix or compatibilizer and the interlayer environments should be appropriate .

    聚合物熔体插层法最为简单,是重要的发展方向要形成剥离 结构,需要同时考虑热力学和动力学因素,基体或相容剂与层间环境的 相容 要适中;

  • This article start with the switching power principle of work elaborated the reason and the type which the switching power supply electromagnetic compatibility question produced and give the method on control electromagnetic interference of switching power with the EMI filter .

    本文从开关电源工作原理入手,论述了开关电源电磁 兼容问题产生的原因及 种类,并给出了用EMI滤波器抑制开关电源电磁干扰的方法。

  • However it is not easy to correct this type of deviation until the local governments ' interests can meet their incentive compatibility constraints even if the central government turns its preference to the citizens ' welfare .

    然而,即便中央政府改变其偏好,如果不能满足地方政府的激励 相容约束,扭转财政支出 结构偏向仍非易事。

  • 1 - ( 3 ) benzene is a high molecular antioxidant agent of hindered phenol type featuring low volatility excellent insulating property and good compatibility with polymers .

    1三甲基-2三(3二叔丁基-4-羟基苄基)苯为一种高相对分子质量的受阻酚 抗氧剂,具有挥发性低、绝缘性好、与聚合物树脂 相容 好等优点。

  • The comparison of tensile strength of glass strand and tensile and shear strength of NOL ring indicates JA type sizing agent behaves clearly better than FE-5 type sizing agent both in fiber forming process compatibility and composite properties .

    通过原丝拉伸断裂强力、及NOL环拉伸、剪切强度的对比发现,①JA 浸润剂在拉丝工艺 匹配和复合材料性能方面均明显优于FE5浸润剂;

  • The effect of several sulfureted fatty additives and phosphorus type additives P120 on the compatibility were investigated with four ball testing machine using the rapeseed oil as base oil .

    以精制菜子油为基础油,在四球摩擦磨损实验机上考察了几种硫化脂肪添加剂和磷 添加剂 P120的复配性。

  • Morning television shows newspapers and magazines often publish blood type horoscopes and discuss relationship compatibility based on blood types .

    早间新闻节目、报纸以及杂志常常会发布一些类似于占星术的 血型分析,并探讨恋人间的血型 相容

  • In this paper the definitions of fuzzy measure and compatibility of fuzzy sets of type Oare first given and some character of fuzzy measure and compatibility of fuzzy sets of type Oare discussed .

    本文首次给出了 O型模糊集的模糊度和贴近度的定义,并讨论了它们的一些性质。

  • Polycarboxylate acid-based superplasticizer is a new type of superplasticizer with outstanding water reducing properties . It improves the cement and superplasticizer compatibility significantly .

    聚羧酸系超塑化剂作为一 环保高效的减水剂提高了自身与胶结料的 相容

  • These filters cannot agree on a connection . Verify type compatibility of input pin and output pin .

    这些过滤器无法通过连接。请检查输入与输出端口的 类型 兼容性

  • If a Flow Switch Float Switch or other type of sensor is used please contact Watts for compatibility .

    如果采用流量开关、浮动开关,或其他 类型的感应器,请咨询美国瓦茨,了解 兼容性

  • At last we study the effect which brought by the two type of search costs reduced when the producer choice compatibility .

    最后研究了厂商的 兼容性选择所引起的两 搜索成本降低对厂商的影响。

  • Selection of specific type grade and consistency of solvent cement should take into account pipe type size installation conditions and chemical compatibility of cement and system fluids .

    液状粘固剂的特定类型、等级和坚固性的选择应该考虑管道 类型、口径、安装条件以及粘固剂与系统流体介质的化学 兼容性

  • Write the word-processor component of OpenOffice offers the type of environment and compatibility you 'd expect within a typical word processor .

    Write是OpenOffice的文字处理组件,它在一个典型的文字处理程序中提供了理想的环境和 兼容性

  • To maximize interoperability you should declare an alias for each event that describes just the data type that it expects or produces ; in other words the minimum requirement for compatibility .

    为了最大化互操作性,对于每个仅描述其预期或产生的数据 类型的事件,您应该为其声明一个别名,换句话说,这就是最低 兼容性要求。

  • This authentication type allows for compatibility with down-level products not supporting the DATA_ENCRYPT authentication type .

    这种身份验证 类型能与不支持DATAENCRYPT身份验证类型的低级产品 兼容

  • Effects of metal oxides on the bond strength of the glass sealing to kovar were studied by adding the different composition of metal oxides into Type DM-308 electronic glass according to the theory of physical and chemical packaging compatibility .

    依据封接的物理 相容 与化学 相容 ,制备了两种添加有微量金属氧化物的改性DM-308 电子玻璃,研究了添加的金属氧化物对玻璃与可伐合金结合性能的影响。

  • The type ⅱ collagen hydrogel had better cell and histological compatibility . 3 .

    本研究制备的Ⅱ 胶原蛋白水凝胶具有较好的组织及细胞 相容

  • Base data types of a user-defined type are used to analyze partition compatibility .

    用户定义的 类型的基本数据类型用于分析分区 兼容性

  • This paper introduce familiar auto - feeding of IC Marking equipment analysis Auto - feeding structure principle efficiency and type compatibility .

    介绍了IC打标设备中常见的自动上料系统,分析了自动上料系统的的结构组成、工作原理、工作效率以及 品种 兼容性

  • However for the existing vulnerability detection tools the vulnerability information sharing among different vulnerability databases is poor . These tools support single type of operating system and have poor compatibility .

    然而,现有的漏洞检测工具漏洞库相互之间信息共享较差,且支持操作系统单一、 兼容性差,并且网络安全评估未考虑漏洞 之间的关联关系,对网络安全的防护工作难以起到有效的指导作用。

  • As one type of marine protected areas marine special reserve has its ' compatibility peculiarity and unsubstitutivity .

    与其他 类型的保护区一样,海洋特别保护区有它自身的属性和不可替代性、 兼容性、独特性。

  • Methods Two male recipients one with traumatic left hand defect and another with traumatic right thumb defect were matched respectively with a donor died of cerebral injury on ABO and Rh blood type . The suitable compatibility on ABO and Rh blood type was confirmed .

    方法同时选择两名ABO、Rh 血型 相同,不同侧手、拇指缺失的患者作为移植对象(左手、右拇指),与同一供体配型,确定合适 供体

  • Problems on heat transfer kiln type modulus and compatibility of preheater with cement rotary kiln

    中空回转窑的传热量、窑 模数和预热 设备 匹配问题