


  • Laser-CCD measure technology is the main and important method in the field of modern measure technology . It has many characteristics as un - touch measure high-delicacy high-efficiency etc.

    激光CCD角度测量技术是计量与现代测试技术领域中的重要方法,具有 接触、高灵敏、高准确、高效率等特点,是当前最先进的测试技术之一。

  • On the basis of the experiment our article analysis the mechanism on effect of intermittent light on the production in broiler and approaches the marketing period un - der the effect of various intermittent light .

    本文在试验的基础上,系统分析了间歇光照对肉仔鸡生产影响的机理,并对不同间歇光照制度作用下肉仔鸡的最佳 出栏期进行了探讨。

  • Once a bubble emerges out of an exceptionally positive economic environment an inbred propensity of human nature fosters speculative fever that builds on itself seeking new UN - explored leveraged areas of profit .

    一旦泡沫在一个特别利好的经济环境中形成,人类本质的内在倾向就会育建立在自身基础上的投机热情,在新的、 开垦的、具有杠杆作用的领域追逐利润。

  • We are entitled to cancel the contract which became overdue owing to buyer 's un - performance .

    我们有权 取消由于买方不能履行而延迟的合同。

  • When I visited the School of Mathematics I could not un - derstand why the students looked so unhappy .

    我访问数学院时,我不理解学生们为什么看起来那么 开心。

  • Results of un - conditional genetic variances showed that there were no additive variance of total lint yield .


  • The report from the statistical office also showed robust rises in both employment and vacancy figures in June and a marked improvement in the number of un - subsidised jobs .

    来自统计部门的这份报告还显示,6月份就业人数和职位空缺均出现强劲增长, 没有补助金职位的数量也出现明显改善。

  • Non - and un - are the most freely added prefixes .

    non-和 un-在使用上最为自由。

  • After a few days even live evergreen and like the original it is un - .

    过了几天,万年青竟然活过来了,和原来一样,它还是 枝繁叶茂

  • The level of un - pedagogic students ' mental health was significantly lower than that of pedagogic students ' ;


  • So yes half of twentysomethings are un - or under-employed .

    没错,半数20多岁的人处在 失业和半失业的状态。

  • ' Here 's my brown shoe that was lost 'he said reaching un - der the table .

    这正是我丢了的那只棕色的鞋子,他说道,同时把手 伸向桌子底下。

  • Education has an un - replaceable position and function on promoting the development of the assets valuation industry .

    培训工作对促进整个资产评估行业的发展具有 可替代的地位和作用。

  • The selection method of metal oxide lightning arrester ( MOA ) used in neutral directly grounding and un - directly grounding AC power system was introduced .

    介绍了用于中性点直接接地和 直接接地交流电力系统的金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)的选择方法。

  • The paper analyzed the develop history and fault of the Feasibility Study in our country emphasizes the necessity and importance of launching un - feasibility study under the new period in SOE .

    本文简要介绍了我国可行性研究工作的发展历史及其存在的弊端,强调了企业在新时期开展 可行性研究的必要性和重要性。

  • Specially research on supply chain contracts has been developed rapidly because of increasing demand un - certainty market competition and economic globalization .

    近年来,针对各种供应链结构的供应链契约研究由于需求 确定性增强、市场竞争加剧和经济全球化等因素的影响而得到了更深的发展。

  • But because of characters of expansibility 、 heterogeneous multiprocessor and un - predictability of a grid resource management and task scheduling are facing great challenge .

    但是由于网格计算具有扩展性、异构性、 可预测性,使得其资源管理及任务调度策略面临了很大的挑战。

  • Features of un - strict anaerobic method were of low cost and easy to operate .


  • Method 100 emergency or hospital room or out - patient un - treatment school age children whose abdominal pain and emesis occur at the same time and aggravating in our hospital from July to November 2001 were involved in the study .

    方法选择我院2001年7~11月腹痛、呕吐同时出现并进行性加剧 经任何治疗的急诊、病房、门诊学龄儿童诊断为急性胃肠型上呼吸感染、急性胃炎100例。

  • Serious un - symmetrical information could make the marketing shrink and lose the balance .

    严重的信息不对称会导致市场 失衡和萎缩。

  • Though the traditional PID is simple the settling time is long and the effect is un - ideal .

    通常所采用的传统PID控制算法虽然简单,但系统调节时间较长,控制效果 理想。

  • Un - is added to adjectives and indicates the opposite quality from the simple word


  • Investigations have un - covered growing co-operation between Chinese gangs and the Mafia particularly the Camorra in Naples .

    警方调查发现,在那不勒斯,华人帮派与意大利黑手党组织,特别是卡莫拉( Camorra)之间的合作越来越紧密。

  • In - is used with fewer words than un - also to form opposites .

    in-也用以构成反义词,但能与之结合的词较 un-少些。

  • This paper described the factors which cause the neutral point potential rise and effect on the zero sequence active power flow in the neutral point un - directly grounded distribution systems both in normal operation and in single phase - to - ground fault operation conditions .

    文章从理论上阐述了引起中性点 直接接地的配电系统在正常运行中以及线路出现单相接地故障后中性点位移的各种影响因素,以及对各线路零序有功功率大小和方向的影响;

  • A privative prefix or suffix such as a - non - un - or-less .

    否定前缀或后缀,如a-,non-, un 或-less。

  • I am in wonderful health but I shall not enjoy a moment un - til my ship goes to sea .

    我现在身体状况很好,但在我们的船 出海之前我简直无法安下心来。

  • PH was the important un - biological factor during anaerobic hydrogen - producing fermentation .

    pH值是厌氧发酵产氢的主要的 生物因子。

  • The module and operation of DOS under Windows 95 are analyzed and the method and parameters of the system arrangement are given according to the data and experience gained from practice . It is useful to overcome the difficulties in DOS operation un - der Windows 95 .

    依据实践中积累的数据和经验,分析了在Windows95下的DOS模式和DOS软件运行方法,给出了一些系统配置方法和参数设置数据,有助于解决 Windows95下DOS程序运行困难的问题。

  • Un - is a productive prefix .
