


  • To verify the control method We design and produce a robot with a unactuated arm .

    为了验证控制方法,设计制作了一个具有 驱动 关节的机器人 模型

  • Design of unactuated joint robot model

    驱动关节机器人模型的设计与 实现

  • Because the unactuated joints are driven by dynamics coupling the motion trajectory must content not only the kinematics constraints but also constraints of dynamics coupling .

    因为 驱动关节是由动力学耦合 关系驱动的,所 生成的运动轨道不仅要满足运动学关系,还必须满足动力学耦合关系。

  • The simulation results show that the control method can realize the expected control level of the unactuated arms and has the effectiveness .

    在控制仿真中,实现了对 驱动 关节 机器人系统的期望控制目标,并验证了 模型 和控制方法的有效性。

  • The control of a robot with unactuated joints is much more difficult than a conventional robot .

    含有 驱动 关节的机器人的 运动控制比一般的机器人要困难得多。

  • Due to the unactuated joints the motion control of an under-actuated system is much more difficult than that of a conventional system .

    在欠驱动系统 ,由于 驱动关节的存在,运动控制比一般的机器人要困难得多。