


  • But he because he abides forever has his priesthood unalterable .

    但耶稣既是永远长存的,就有 不能 更换的祭司 职分

  • Government should protect gay people from discrimination because homosexuality is an unalterable aspect of their identity .

    政府应该保护同性恋者免受歧视,因为同性恋是他们身份中 改变的一个方面。

  • Gravity is unalterable but the forms to reflect gravity are diverse .

    重力是 不变的,回应重力的方式是多样的。

  • I don 't want an unalterable life no change no gain .

    我不喜欢 一成不变的生活,没有变化就不会有进步。

  • Because of the economic crisis habits that seemed unalterable are suddenly being altered .

    由于经济危机的原因,一些看起来 无法 改变的习惯突然开始改变。

  • You can think – we can fix the size of text – or you can think – the size of text is unalterable .

    想想看,我们能固定文字的尺寸,或者说,文字大小 改变,或者,你可以说, 纸张的尺寸也在 控制中。

  • I especially dislike those unalterable personality I just do as I like .

    我对那些 模式 的人格尤为反感,我只是按我喜欢的做事而已。

  • They are often fearful of making decisions because they think that they are final and unalterable and they 're afraid of making the wrong choice .

    他们往往对做决定很是恐惧,因为他们认为决定就意味着是最终的和 更改的,又生怕自己做了错误的选择。

  • In an unalterable and unchangeable manner .

    不能 变更、不可改变的方式。

  • She had reached an unalterable decision to marry him .

    她已 坚定不移地决定嫁给他。

  • The island-state 's unalterable fragility is beyond dispute .

    新加坡的脆弱,是谁也无法否认及 改变的事实。

  • Since customers are regarded as the god it will BE an unalterable principle to foster good relations with them .

    既然客户被称做是上帝,那么和客户搞好关系 就是 天经地义 事情啦。

  • And to myself I can say that because progress is unalterable many of today 's dogmas will have vanished by the time they grow into adults .

    我也告诉自己,社会进步是 必然的,当我的孩子们长大成人时,现在社会上的许多教条一定会消失。

  • Man acquires at birth through heredity a biological constitution which we must consider fixed and unalterable including the natural urges which are characteristic of the human species .

    人在出生时,通过遗传已得到了一种生物学上的素质,我们应当把它看作是固定的和 不变的, 这种 素质包括那些作为人类特征的自然冲动。

  • C.young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply .

    现在的科学知识似乎都不像许多教科书所叙述的那样完善、那样肯定、那样 一成不变,对于这种情况,年轻科学家意识到得越快越好。

  • It is not barbarous merely because the printing is skin-deep and unalterable .

    这并不仅仅因为刺花是深入皮肤, 不能 改变就变得野蛮的。

  • 023 objects are just what constitute this unalterable form .

    023正是诸对象构成这种 不变的形式。

  • However they must be prepared for the above resolution to go into effect for it is unalterable .

    不过,他们就得准备实行这样的决议,这是 不可移易的。

  • Unalterable in disposition or habits .

    在性格倾向或者习惯上 改变

  • The letter shall certainly be burnt if you believe it essential to the preservation of my regard ; but though we have both reason to think my opinions not entirely unalterable they are not I hope quite so easily changed as that implies .

    如果你认为一定要烧掉那封信,才能保持我的 爱情,那我当然一定把它烧掉;不过 话说 回来,即使我怎样容易 变心,也不会看了那封信就和你翻脸。

  • It is an unalterable truth that unification must be based on unity and unity in its turn must be based on progress and that only progress can bring unity and only unity can bring unification .

    统一必以团结为基础,团结必以进步为基础;惟进步 能团结,惟团结乃能统一, 实为 定论

  • Not possible to revoke ; unalterable .

    不可取消的; 无法 改变的。

  • However halt China make ( get ) the order that the house accepts visa is unalterable .

    然而,驻华使(领)馆受理签证的程序又是 不能 改变的。

  • But laws of demographics are almost unalterable .

    但人口法则几乎 无法 改变

  • All institutions appear in the same way as given unalterable and self-evident .

    所有制度都是如此,作为既定的、 改变的和不证自明的。

  • She had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable .

    她为了一种内心的,不 改变 忠贞概念而牺牲了自己。

  • 026 there must be objects if the world is to have unalterable form .

    026如果世界要有一个 不变的形式,就必须要有对象。

  • This is an unalterable law of nature and old leaders have to be continually replaced by new ones .

    自然规律是 改变的,领导层更新也是不断的。