


  • While average regional GDP growth runs at 7 or 8 per cent and output gaps are small the conclusion is unarguable : real rates need to be higher .

    在亚洲平均gdp增幅达到7%或8%,产出缺口较小的情况下,结论是 不容置疑的:实际利率有必要提高。

  • It is an unarguable fact that the teaching of composition in Chinese plays an extremely role in the middle school .

    作文教学在中学语文教学中有着极其重要的作用,可以说这是 的事实。

  • It has become an unarguable reality that current realty is the headstream that makes Chinese investment to be exorbitantly hot .

    目前,房地产是中国投资过热的源头,已经成为 的事实。

  • He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component .

    他要表述一个 无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都 掺杂着社会因素。

  • It is undoubted and unarguable that the basic task for colleges is to train personnel and the main approaches of this training are teaching link and teaching course .

    高等学校的根本任务是培养人才,这是无可置疑、 无可争辩的共识,而培养人才的主要途径是教学环节和教学过程。

  • The greater choice is unarguable . But does it lead to better outcomes ?

    婚恋 网站 提供更多选择 这点 无可争议,但它能否带来更好的结果呢?

  • It has already been an unarguable reality alternating conventional industry and increasing working efficiency using computer .

    用信息化 手段改造传统产业,提高工作效率已是 争辩的事实。

  • The fact that games are offensive and even degrading to many groups including women is unarguable .

    比赛令人不快、包括女人降级到许多组的事实是 论证的。

  • He said something fairly unarguable .

    他说了一些完全 不容 争辩的事。

  • The existing theories did not provide us with unarguable answer to the question of what on earth is the corporate governance .

    对于公司治理究竟是什么,现有研究并没有给出 无可争辩的答案。

  • In order to make the chauvinism unarguable it hides its essence with a softhearted and harmonious appearance .

    它以温情、和谐的外表掩藏着其统治的本质,从而使男权 社会 存在 成为 天经地义 不容置疑的。

  • Nevertheless this tooth is the first unarguable proof that crocodilians did indeed snack on dinosaurs .
