


  • Being unappreciated by your boss could make it hard to do your work effectively .

    上司的 赏识会影响你的工作效率。

  • The Vincent van Gogh story is that the poverty - stricken and unappreciated artist took his own life with a shot to the chest .

    一直以来我们听到的 天才画家文森特梵高的故事都是这样 结束的: 贫困潦倒 郁郁 得志的画家 自己的胸脯开了一枪, 结束了自己的生命。

  • This sometimes unappreciated fact can easily lead to a situation in which a program has a large amount of free Java heap but throws an out-of-memory exception because it has run out of native memory .

    这很容易导致程序中拥有大量空闲Java堆,但会由于本机内存耗尽而 抛出内存不足异常。

  • Doesn 't it bother you that your work is unappreciated ?

    工作 赏识难道不影响你的 情绪吗?

  • Yet workers feel unappreciated & a whopping 71 % are disengaged according to Gallup .

    盖勒普(Gallup)的调查显示,员工并不 领情,高达71%的员工 反应冷淡。

  • If I take an expensive bottle it may go unappreciated – either through lack of appreciation or people not seeing what I 've brought .

    如果我带一瓶很贵的酒,可能没 领情&要么因为别人不会欣赏,要么是没有人注意到我带的是什么酒。

  • The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated and she only received them as inimical sounds which meant that anger ruled .

    领会 话里微妙的辛辣意味,她只是把它们当作敌意的声音加以接受,知道那表示他在忍受着愤怒。

  • On the other hand a teacher 's salary and prestige are relatively low and his work often goes unnoticed and unappreciated .

    另一方面,教师的工资和声望较低,他的工作经常不为人所注意和 感激

  • It can cause us to feel unappreciated and defensive and can put up roadblocks in our efforts to help kids .

    这样的 合作会让我们感觉 重视而对 他们产生防御心理,同时也会给我们对孩子们的帮助造成阻碍。

  • He thus joined W. Edwards Deming in management mythology as one of the two Americans who unappreciated in their own fast-food country for their ideas about quality had been compelled to go abroad to find recognition .

    在自己快餐经济的国家提出质量为 的观点 赏识,而被迫出国寻求认可的约瑟夫朱兰和爱德华兹戴明两位美国人,成为了管理 的神话。

  • This makes him feel unloved and unappreciated .

    这使他觉得自己没有被爱、 感激

  • His major published work entitled the Tentamen is an attempt to provide a rigorous foundation to geometry ; it was an unappreciated precursor of the works of Frege and Cantor .

    他的主要工作发表题为Tentamen试图提供一个严谨的基础几何,它是弗雷格和康托的作品的 赏识易制毒化学。

  • The typical programmer often laments he / she is being overworked underpaid and unappreciated .

    程序员的典型表现是常常埋怨自己工作过量,薪酬过低,所 重视 过少

  • Example One : Police work on inner-city streets is a domestic Vietnam a dangerous no win struggle fought by confused misdirected and unappreciated troops .

    市中心平民区的治安工作是一支思想混乱、指挥失误、 欢迎的部队进行的一场危险的、只输不赢的争斗,犹如一场国内的越战。

  • Acknowledgement of the'hidden hunger'aspect of nutritional quality in the context of the rising CO2 level and climate change remains unappreciated by scientists private groups and policymakers .

    科学家、私营组织和决策者仍然尚未认识 在CO2浓度上升和气候变化的背景下营养质量的“隐蔽的 饥饿”的问题。

  • The unappreciated heavyweight champion mason the line dixon .

    大受 爱戴 重量级拳王梅森“王者”迪克逊。

  • When a man feels unappreciated he stops giving support .

    男人如果觉得 感激,便会停止给与支持。

  • This perhaps explains why surveys regularly report that people in banking feel unappreciated and unsatisfied with their work .

    这或许解释了为何调查经常发现,银行界人士感觉 他们 重视,也不满意自己的工作。

  • These shoppers are usually ridiculed and unappreciated by those enthusiastic shoppers who really take shopping seriously .

    这类购物者通常受到那些狂热购物者的嘲笑, 他们所理解。

  • Sometimes a simple genuine thank you can make the day of another person who might feel like they are going on with their work unnoticed and unappreciated .

    有时候一个简单礼貌的谢谢能让那些觉得自己工作 毫无 存在被欣赏的 倍感 温暖

  • Investors should have a value bent looking for companies that are unappreciated by the markets .

    投资者应该有一个价值转向,去寻找市场 那么 看好的公司;

  • Customers who feel unimportant unappreciated or taken for granted that their business elsewhere .

    如果顾客觉得自己不 重视、 珍惜,或是被视为理所当然, 就会转而光顾其他企业。