abbr.United Arab Emirates (亚洲) 阿拉伯联合酋长国

  • China and the United Arab Emirates signed a multibillion-dollar currency swap deal in the latest indication of the growing political and economic links between Beijing and the Gulf .

    中国已和 阿联酋UAE)签署了一项价值数十亿美元的货币互换协议,这是中国和海湾地区加强政治和经济联系的最新迹象。

  • Patients were randomized to UAE or hysterectomy .

    病人被随机分为 UAE组或子宫切除组。

  • Many companies provide their female staff with late-night shuttle buses & and female-only taxi companies are springing up in India the UAE and Brazil .

    许多公司为女性职员提供深夜班车。而在印度、 阿联酋和巴西的市场中也涌现出了仅供女性乘坐的出租车公司。

  • Public shareholding company formation UAE is a company with a capital divided into equal negotiable shares .

    公开股份持有公司形成 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 是一家公司与资本被划分成相等的可协议的份额。

  • Abu Dhabi is one of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the UAE .

    阿布扎比是 阿联酋七个半自治酋长国之一。

  • On Thursday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States will hold talks with the UAE and other countries about possible bans on BlackBerry services .

    周四,美国国务卿希拉里表示,美国将对黑莓服务的可能禁止与 阿联酋和其他国家进行对话。

  • Lately the UAE China and India have attracted interest from overseas universities hoping to set up offshore campuses .

    近年, 阿联酋、中国和印度引起了希望设立海外校园的国外大学的兴趣。

  • Are you in a regulated market like Oman or uae ?

    您所处的是像阿曼或 阿联酋 那样管控有序的市场吗?

  • What about the UAE and Qatar ?


  • Does Fedexpress or DHL Allow in shipping Hard disk from China to UAE ?

    是否允许在Fedexpress或DHL从中国航运 阿联酋硬盘?

  • Objective : To evaluate the value of uterine artery embolization ( UAE ) for symptomatic hysteromyoma .

    目的观察子宫动脉 栓塞治疗症状性子宫肌瘤的临床效果。

  • The UAE says the services are a threat to national security because government officials cannot access or monitor users'information .


  • Subject to regulatory approval ICBC also hopes to launch retail banking services in the UAE .

    若能得到监管部门批准,工行还希望在 阿联酋推出零售银行服务。

  • Companies from Saudi Arabia and the UAE for example have leased farmland in Sudan and Pakistan among other countries to produce food .

    例如,沙特阿拉伯和 阿联酋的许多公司已租用了苏丹和巴基斯坦国的土地,生产粮食。

  • The traditional Arab dress for men is called a Kandura in the UAE .

    传统的阿拉伯男子服装在 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 UAE)里被称为“Kandura”。

  • The lack of upward movement has already had an impact on the behaviour of major oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia Qatar Kuwait UAE Oman and Bahrain .

    油价缺乏上扬趋势,已经对主要产油国的行为产生了影响,例如沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、科威特、 阿联酋、阿曼和巴林。

  • Methods Either uterine arterial embolization ( UAE ) or internal iliac artery embolization was performed .

    方法采用髂内动脉或选择性子宫动脉 栓塞术

  • The UAE government said it had had discussions with rim about its concerns but no progress was made .


  • I would like to thank my nurses doctors and the staff of the hospitals in Pakistan and the UK and the UAE government who have helped me to get better and recover my strength .

    我要感谢在巴基斯坦、英国和 阿联酋政府的医院里照顾我,帮助我恢复健康和重获力量的护士、医生和职员。

  • However it reflects official thinking in the most wealthy of the seven statelets that comprise the UAE .

    但它反映了 阿联酋7个成员中最富有酋长国的官方想法。

  • We recently established our new modern and highly equipped factory in Sharjah UAE in order to serve our customers in the Middle East and all over the world .

    我们最近建立了我国现代新高装备厂沙迦 阿联酋为了服务我们的客户,在中东和世界各地。

  • The rankings are dominated by European countries but also include the UAE China and Russia in eighth ninth and 10th place respectively .

    欧洲国家在此项排名中占据优势,但 阿联酋、中国和俄罗斯分别位列第第九和第十位。

  • Effects of UAE and uterine fibroid surgery on ovarian function
