



  • The ozone layer surrounding the earth protects our skin from being hurt by the ultraviolet rays .

    围绕地球的臭氧层保护着我们的皮肤免受 紫外线的伤害。

  • They should have been destroyed by ultraviolet radiation .

    他们本应被 紫外线杀死的了

  • The effect of vacuum ultraviolet radiation to surface modification was initially described .

    初步探讨了真空 辐射对表面改性的影响;

  • Ultraviolet and infrared radiation spectroscopy technologies help to monitor trace gases in the atmosphere .


  • The sun 's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning .

    阳光中的 紫外线是皮肤晒黑和灼伤的根源。

  • Explosions of the sunspots result in stronger ultraviolet radiation .

    太阳黑子的爆炸性增强了 紫外线的辐射。

  • Why Don 't We See Ultraviolet Or Infrared ?

    为什么我们看不见 紫外线和红外线?

  • It screens out lethal ultraviolet and X-rays from the sun .

    它阻挡了来自太阳的致命的 紫外线和x射线。

  • The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can 't measure on the earth .

    “先驱者号”太空探测器上装有 紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。

  • Resisting climate ageing and chemic corrosion resisting ultraviolet radiation and polluted circumstance ;

    耐气候老化和化学腐蚀,抗 户外 紫外线照射和环境污染;

  • A great deal is now known about the kinds of damage produced in the DNA by ultraviolet radiations to a lesser extent by ionizing radiations .

    目前已经知道很多关于由 紫外线辐射以及在较小程度上由电离辐射引起dna损伤的种类。

  • The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it

    那个柜子只有用 紫外线 照射才可以看见。

  • For ultraviolet nanometer is a preferred term .

    对于 外区通常用毫微米这一名词。

  • Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules .

    分子能吸收频率在 和可见光区的电磁辐射。

  • The system is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a halogen lamp that produces near-infrared light .

    该系统还有一个 紫外线台灯和能够产生近红外光的卤素灯。

  • Ozone is best known for its role in screening the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun

    臭氧最广为人知的作用是保护地球免受太阳 紫外线的伤害。

  • By using ultraviolet ( UV ) imprint technology the replication of micro-structure diffraction grating is studied .

    研究了利用 外压印技术复制微结构光栅的方法。

  • Methods Bacterial contamination and ultraviolet lamp irradiation intensity were examined .

    方法对细菌污染与 紫外线灯辐射照度值进行检测。

  • In addition to the light that 's visible to us the sun also radiates ultraviolet and infrared light .

    除了可见光,太阳的辐射还包含 紫外线和红外线。

  • Electromagnetic radiation is optical light infrared ultraviolet radio x-rays gamma rays .

    电磁辐射是,光学光线,红外线, 紫外光,无线电x光,和伽马射线。

  • The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet .

    波长短于可见光的辐射称 紫外线

  • Zero pollution no ultraviolet radiation without infrared and thermal radiation .

    零污染,无 紫外线,无红外线和热辐射。

  • Halogens also have the necessary absorption in the ultraviolet and rapid dissociation .

    卤素也具有吸收 紫外线和分解快这两种特性。

  • Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultraviolet light

    臭氧由氧气和 紫外线发生反应而产生。

  • Ultraviolet ( UV ) warning theory and configuration of UV warning system were introduced .

    介绍了 外告警原理及紫外告警系统的结构组成。

  • This is the energy of an ultraviolet photon a large energy on the atomic scale .

    这是一个 光子的能量,在原子尺度上,它是一个“大”能量。

  • For other parts of the spectrum such as the ultraviolet satellites are necessary to see what objects in space are doing .

    对波谱的另外一些部分,如 辐射,必须 利用卫星才能知道是宇宙中什么天体产生的。

  • Absorbent material usually pulls in ultraviolet and visible light-but this new material also captures infrared and far infrared light .

    吸收性材料通常只能吸收 紫外线和可见光&但这种新材料还能够吸收红外和远红外光线。

  • The structure of pdbopv is characterized by ultraviolet ? Visible absorption spectrum .

    利用 可见吸收光谱对其进行了结构表征。

  • Physical carcinogens such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation ;

    物理致癌物质,例如 紫外线和电离辐射;