ultraviolet light

[ˌʌltrəˈvaɪəlɪt laɪt][ˌʌltrəˈvaiəlit lait]


  • In this layer the sun 's ultraviolet light forms ozone by splitting oxygen molecules into atoms .

    在层中,太阳 紫外线 藉由分离氧分子进原子之内形成新鲜的空气。

  • Having obtained his specimens he photographed them under a microscope using ultraviolet light .

    在获取了样本之后,他在显微镜下拍摄这些蝎子的 紫外线照片。

  • Ultraviolet light turns the membranes of magnified lipids fluorescent green .

    放大的油脂膜在 紫外线 照射 显示出荧绿色的 光芒

  • Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D.

    阳光中的 紫外线将皮肤中的一种物质转变成维生素D。

  • The ultraviolet light is then converted to visible light by phosphors on the surface of the discharge tube .


  • PDP uses electrons in a high-pressure discharge to produce ultraviolet light .

    PDP利用高压放电中的电子来产生 紫外线

  • Will this type of sun block protect me from ultraviolet light ?

    这种防晒品能保护我不受 紫外线 伤害吗?

  • No cure but treatment with drugs and ultraviolet light may help .

    无治愈方法,但使用药物和 辐射 照射可帮助缓解病情。

  • The fluorescence spectra of alcohol solution induced by ultraviolet light and its characteristic are studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper .

    分别从理论和实验上对 紫外光 激励不同浓度的乙醇溶液所产生的荧光光谱及其特性进行了分析研究。

  • The fiber is as strong as nylon but glows bright red when held up to ultraviolet light .

    利用这些病毒她制造出一条几厘米长的纳米丝,这根丝与尼龙绳的强度差不多,在 紫外线 照射 发出极亮的红色。

  • I will turn on * I will turn off all the lights and only turn on ultraviolet light .

    我们打开。,不,我会关上所有灯,只开着 紫外线

  • Ultraviolet light disinfection of ophthalmia caused by electro-optic cause analysis and protection

    紫外线 消毒引起电光性眼炎的原因分析与防护【医】日光眼炎,雪盲

  • Researchers have discovered that Arctic reindeer can see ultraviolet light that would blind humans .

    研究人员发现,北极驯鹿可以看到会导致人眼失明的 紫外线

  • A soft mineral ( calcium fluoride ) that is fluorescent in ultraviolet light ; chief source of fluorine .

    一种软质矿物(氟化钙),在 紫外线 常发荧光,是氟的主要来源。

  • To observe the effects of sterilization using ozone and ultraviolet light in the animal surgery laboratory

    实验动物手术室使用臭氧和 紫外线灭菌的效果观察

  • But the radiation produced by cellphones cannot directly damage DNA and is different from stronger types of radiation like X-rays or ultraviolet light .

    不过由手机所产生的辐射并不能直接对DNA产生危害,并与X射线、 紫外线 遮阳高强度的辐射不同。

  • Cholecalciferol is produced by irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol with ultraviolet light either from the sun or from an artificial source .

    胆钙化醇是7?脱氢胆固醇经日光或人工来源的 紫外线照射而产生的。

  • Whatever product you use should emit only visible light because ultraviolet light damages the eyes .

    你所用的任何产品都应该只发射可见光,因为 辐射会伤眼睛。

  • The ultraviolet method uses ultraviolet light to break the bond between oxygen molecules .

    紫外线的方法使用 紫外线 打破在氧分子之间的束缚。

  • The Inactivation Effect of Ultraviolet Light and Peracetic Acid on Adenovirus


  • Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer .

    紫外线 照射与皮肤癌紧密相关。

  • Lens prevent scratching antistatic which can effectively absorb harmful ultraviolet light ;

    镜片防刮擦,防静电,可有效吸收有害 紫外线

  • Green tea may also reduce reactions to ultraviolet light as well as the visual signs and symptoms of rosacea .

    绿茶同样也可以减少 紫外线和酒糟鼻的表现和症状一致。

  • Some systems use ultraviolet light to destroy harmful organisms .

    有的 净化系统使用 紫外线来破坏水中的有害微生物。

  • People with dark skin produce less vitamin D because the skin pigment blocks ultraviolet light from the sun .

    深色肤色的人因色素阻止 紫外线 吸收而产生的维生素D较少。

  • Shown in ultraviolet light the relatively cool dark regions have temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius .

    通过 紫外光展现出的这篇相对寒冷而黑暗的区域也还是有高达上千摄氏度的高温。

  • Simpson said the water treated by a filtration system and ultraviolet light softened clients'skin .

    辛普森说,通过一个过滤系统和 紫外线处理的水软化顾客的皮肤。

  • The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it

    那个柜子只有用 紫外线 照射才可以看见。

  • Making them glow under ultraviolet light .

    使骨头在 紫外线发光

  • Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultraviolet light

    臭氧由氧气和 紫外线发生反应而产生。