abbr.Umbilical Cable 连接电缆操纵电缆

  • Objetive : Purslane water decoction of ulcerative colitis ( UC ) model in mice and its mechanism .

    目的:探讨马齿苋水煎剂对溃疡性结肠炎( UC)模型小鼠的作用机制。

  • It 's a great honor to meet you guys on this wonderful stage of UC .


  • The Transplantation and Application of UC / OS - ⅱ in The Control System of Industrial Sewing Machine


  • Remicade reduces signs and symptoms of UC and induces and maintains clinical remission in these patients .

    在这些患者中Remicade减轻 UC的征象和症状并且诱发及维持临床缓解。

  • UC is a type of inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) that affects the lining of the large intestine ( colon ) and rectum .


  • The Contributions of the University to Local Social and Economic Development : A Case Study of UC Berkeley

    大学对地方社会经济发展的贡献& 加州大学伯克利分校的个案研究

  • Development of Sensor Network Node Using DSP and uC / OS-II RTOS

    基于DSP和 uC/OS-II实时操作系统的传感器网络节点的研制

  • The Research of the Common Real-time OS Based on the Kernel of uc / OS - ⅱ

    基于 uc/os-Ⅱ内核的通用实时操作系统的研究

  • Generic Production Equipment Control Platform Based on ARM + uC / OS

    基于 ARM+uC/OS的通用生产设备控制平台

  • Rectal sparing and patchy disease activity is not characteristic of UC patients with PSC .

    直肠不受累和斑块性炎性病变活跃不是 UC-PSC患者的特征。

  • Type : UC : Use Case ( select from the drop-down menu ) .

    类型: UC:用例(从下拉菜单中进行选择)。

  • The significance and expressions of MMP-3 and PPAR - γ in colonic mucosa of rats with UC

    溃疡 结肠炎大鼠结肠黏膜中MMP-3和PPAR-γ的表达及其意义

  • It actually began when I met with the UC just after my appointment was announced in the winter of2007 .

    提问从2007年冬天我的任职被公布时与 校方的会面就开始了。

  • UC / OS-II in the MSP chips transplant source code have some reference value .

    II在 MSP芯片上的移植源代码,具有一定的参考价值。

  • The team also works with the Stanford Research Institute and with UC Berkeley ( greater good science center ) .

    此外,这支团队还与斯坦福研究院(StanfordResearchInstitute)和 加州大学伯克利分校( UCBerkeley)至善科学中心(GreaterGoodScienceCenter)结成了合作关系。

  • I have ti say that UC is a very good place to study English .

    我不得不说, UC是一个学习英语的非常好的地方。

  • I can see no reason to miss the chance to learn english in UC .

    我没理由错过这个在 UC里学英语的机会。

  • Apply uC / GUI and uC / OS on Embed System


  • Conclusion : The activated small volume platelet is a character of UC .

    结论:活化的小容积血小板是 UC 患者的一个特点。

  • Background : The pathologic features of ulcerative colitis ( UC ) in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ( PSC ) are essentially unknown .

    背景:患有原发性硬化性胆管炎(PSC)的患者,其溃疡性结肠炎( UC)的病理特征仍不明了。

  • The Research of the Fire Alarm System Based on ARM and uC / OS - ⅱ

    基于ARM和 uC/OS-Ⅱ的火灾报警系统研究

  • Use Case ( UC ) A description of system behavior in terms of sequences of actions .

    用例( UC)操作序列系统行为的描述。

  • HP will resell NET 's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC .

    惠普将转销NET的 统一 通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。

  • Power Management for Embedded System Based on uC / OS - ⅱ and ARM

    基于 uC/OS-Ⅱ和ARM的嵌入式系统功耗管理

  • I have to say that UC is really a good place for us to get together to conquer English .

    我不得不说 UC是我们在一起攻克英语的好平台。

  • Symptoms of UC include abdominal pain diarrhea rectal bleeding weight loss and fever .

    溃疡 结肠炎的症状包括腹痛,腹泻,直肠出血,体重减轻和发热。

  • Design of Multitask Watchdog Based on uC / OS-II Operating System

    基于 uC/OS-II操作系统的多任务看门狗设计

  • Please join us to welcome all the new students and scholars to UC Berkeley !

    我们对所有 伯克利的新生们致以最热烈的欢迎!

  • I wanna take a ride with you awesome UC !

    我想骑上旅程和你这个最酷的 UC

  • Design of Controller System for Market Umbrella Based on UC / OS-II

    基于 UC/OS-II的市场伞控制系统设计