

vt.& vi.(使某物)形成溃疡(使)腐败

  • Studies on pathogenic bacteria of ulcerate disease in Haliotis diversicolor

    杂色鲍Haliotisdiversicolor 溃疡症病原菌的研究

  • Chronic Skin Ulcerate of Pyocutaneous Model Treatment Experiment Research

    慢性皮肤 溃疡的疮疡模型治疗实验研究

  • Varices in the esophagus which often occur in liver disease can ulcerate and bleed .

    静脉曲张在食道会 溃疡和出血,常发生在肝疾病。

  • Objective : To observe the effect of the rhubarb powder compound in the treatment of ulcerate colonitis .

    目的:探讨复方大黄粉治疗 溃疡性结肠炎临床疗效。

  • Result According to ulcerate to match the rate more exterminate the HP exterminate the rate treatment group is obvious higher than control group two groups show the difference ( p < 0.05 ) .

    结果根据 溃疡 愈合率,治疗组根除HP根除率明显高于对照组,两组有显著性差异(p<0.05)。

  • Methods : 118 patients with ulcerate colonitis were randomly divided into 2 groups . The 59 patients in the treated group were treated with the rhubarb powder compound enema holding once a day each therapeutic course was 10 days .

    方法:118例 溃疡性结肠炎患者随机分为2组,治疗组59例,采用复方大黄粉悬液保留灌肠,每日1次,10天为1个疗程。

  • Conclusion The degree of the clinical symptom of acute esophagitis the time of suffering and the ulcerate in esophagus are more severe in RCT group than RT group .

    结论RCT组的急性放射性食管炎临床症状的严重程度、持续时间、 溃疡 出现的程度均高于RT组。

  • Typical symptom of the poplar ulcer disease is the large ulcerate spots on the bark .

    杨树大斑溃疡病的典型症状是 产生大型 溃疡 病斑,当 病斑 包围树干时, 上部死亡

  • Objective To seek a safer approach to auricular reconstruction when postauricular soft tissues ulcerate and are infected during expansion in the case of congenital microtia .

    目的对于先天性小耳患者,在应用扩张法行外耳再造术的过程中,当耳后皮肤软组织在扩张 阶段 发生扩张皮肤 以致 继发感染后,探索一种较为可行的外耳再造方法。

  • The Benefit Spirit Reinforce Body Fluid Method Treat Relapse Mouth Cavity Ulcerate 40 cases

    益气滋阴法治疗复发性口腔 溃疡40例

  • Treatment involves strong support hose injection therapy or surgery . Varices in the esophagus which often occur in liver disease can ulcerate and Bleed .

    治疗的 方式弹力长统袜、注射 硬化 及手术。静脉曲张在食道会 溃疡和出血,常发生在肝疾

  • Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate .

    局部淋巴结先是肿胀而最后 发生 溃疡

  • The tumors are large but do not ulcerate through the skin .


  • Clinical observation on effect of the rhubarb powder compound in the treatment of ulcerate colonitis

    复方大黄粉治疗 溃疡性结肠炎临床疗效观察

  • Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining .

    阿司匹林能 造成 胃壁 溃疡