ultra vires

[ˌʌltrə ˈvaɪri:z]


  • Only based on exclusive legislative authority and specific provision of general law concerning legislative power can an ultra vires law be identified .

    认定 越权 立法,须以专属立法权限为基础,并关注普通法律对立法权限的个别规定;

  • On Ultra Vires Act of Enterprise as Legal Person and that of Legal Representative

    论企业法人 越权与法定代表人 越权

  • Moreover the validity of guarantee contract may vary on different circumstances . Third the validity of ultra vires external guaranty contract which concluded by directors or managers .

    第三,董事、经理 越权对外担保的合同效力。

  • Ultra vires doctrine the basic principle of British administrative law once contributed greatly to the control and supervision of administrative agencies by judicial review .


  • On the legal validity of the ultra vires act

    越权 代表行为的法律效力

  • Ultra vires is prohibited by civil and commercial law ; however restriction of competition is regulated by competition law .

    越权 行使是民商法规范予以禁止的,而限制竞争行为则是竞争法予以规范的。

  • The shareholder 's right of prevention is a right to stop the ultra vires acts and illegal acts of the board of directors or the director .

    股东的制止请求权是对董事会或董事 越权、违法行为制止的权利。

  • Issues Related to Ultra Vires of Corporate President ; documents of tenure of office and identity certificate of the company 's legal representative ;

    公司法定代表人 越权代表法律问题探讨公司法定代表人任职文件和身份证明;

  • From the spectrum of corporation law Ultra vires has been proved to be powerless in protecting the interests of shareholders and creditors .

    从公司法 来看早期 确立 原则后来的发展中已被证明对于保护股东和债权人利益之 不力

  • On the legal effect and liability of the ultra vires act of manager

    经理 越权 代表行为的法律后果与责任

  • The author believes that in practice there are still areas of economic legislation and the Central Economic Council conflict mainly for local economic legislation ultra vires and local economic legislation with the specific provisions of epistatic conflict .

    笔者认为,在实践中仍然存在地方经济立法与中央经济立法相冲突的情况,主要表现为地方经济立法的 越权和地方经济立法的具体规定与上位法冲突。

  • Administrative Discretion and Public dislocation mainly in the ultra vires administrative abuse abandons or delays the exercise of power and so on .

    治安管理处罚裁量权错位现象主要表现在 越权行政、权力滥用、放弃或拖延行使权力等方面。

  • Most modern company legislations pay much attention to the ways based on the conception and nature of manager ′ s right to restrict managers ′ ultra vires acts and to control the extension of the power of manager stratum .

    越权立法的认定与 处理如何限制公司经理 越权 代表公司的行为,控制经理阶层权力的扩张,是现代公司法普遍关注的问题, 要求必须首先 明确经理权的概念及其性质。

  • To define the relationship between ultra vires act of enterprise as legal person and that of legal representative can help to decide inside responsibility of enterprise as legal person .

    对企业法人 越权行为与法定代表人 越权 行为的关系作出界定,有利于正确 划分法人的内部责任,但我国 现行 立法 并未 对此作出规定。

  • Ultra vires relates to the situation when a patentee enforces patents beyond the scope of rights while restriction of competition means that though within the scope of statutory rights the behavior of enforcing patents unreasonably restricts the competition in the market .

    越权 行使是指专利权人行使专利权时超出了权利范围;限制竞争行为则是专利权人行使专利权时虽然没有超出法定权利范围,但不合理地限制了市场竞争。

  • One side is in full swing for the flame one side is ultra vires the depth of water and chaos judicial interpretation in this development and questioned in the strong have gone through three decades .

    一面是如火如荼的适用火焰,一面是 越权与混乱的深度海水,司法解释就在这样的发展与质疑中坚强的走过了三十年。

  • In the context of current legal explanation system the abstract and general legal explanation suffers from ultra vires confliction of contents and roughness of methods .

    在当前 多元法律解释体制下,抽象性、普遍性的司法解释存在 形式 越权,内容冲突、方法粗糙等问题。

  • The abuse of patent performances variedly but basically can be divided into two categories ultra vires and restriction of competition .

    滥用专利权的行为表现多种多样,但基本上可以分为 越权 行使和限制竞争行为两大类。

  • But in recent years with the rapid development of British administrative law the ultra vires doctrine displayed quite a few limitations . Some scholars and judges queried it and they maintained that the doctrine should be abolished ;

    但近年来随着英国行政法的迅速发展, 越权原则表现出不少缺陷,一些学者和法官对它提出了质疑,主张废弃该原则;