


  • The influence of groundwater buoyancy on the design and construction of structure is unallowable to be neglected .

    地下水的浮力对结构设计和施工有 不容忽视的影响。

  • Consequently the significance and the role of public participation to urban renewal are unallowable to be neglected .

    因此,公众参与对于旧城改造的意义和作用是 不容忽视的。

  • The unallowable wellbore enlargement rate ( 20 % - 30 % ) is the severest problem of wellbore qualities in the job area of north of Hubei .

    井径扩大率 超标是鄂北 工区井身质量存在的最大问题, 一般 达到20%~30%,严重 影响 井质量。

  • (ⅱ) Based on the theory of spectral representation the concept of absolute confinement is unallowable even the absolute confinement is taken as the limit of relative confinement .

    (ⅱ)在谱表示理论基础上 不能 允许绝对 禁闭的概念,即使把绝对禁闭作为相对禁闭的极限也是一样。