


  • In actual Civil Procedure Law the civil regional jurisdiction is prescribed around the court and has been already unaccommodated to the need of the resolving disputes .

    现行《民事诉讼法》中的地域管辖制度是以法院为 中心 设置的,已经 适应民事纠纷解决的 现实需要。

  • One of the most important economic environmental characteristics is the increasing uncertainty . Under such changing circumstances the traditional corporate strategic management approachs become more and more unaccommodated and call on fresh thoughts and new tools .

    现代经济环境的一个重要特征是越来越大的不确定性,在这种不确定性下,传统的企业战略管理方法 表现 越来越 明显 适应性需要 引入新鲜的思想和工具。

  • For the predicament I mainly discuss the define of function lagging of the corporate reform financial problem of management after tax system reform and unaccommodated of the administrative machinery .

    对于困境,笔者主要是从职能定义、机构改革滞后、税制改革后财政管理问题以及行政主体的 适应 个方面进行讨论。

  • When constructing large scale wireless area networks the traditional network techniques become unaccommodated due to lack of flexible extension and fast transition support .

    传统的无线区域网络在进行大规模应用时 受制于网络灵活扩展和对快速移动的支持。

  • A few persons are still unaccommodated with rooms for the night .

    还有少数人 分配房间住宿。

  • Enumerates some phenomena of the design mechanism unaccommodated to building energy efficiency in China .

    列举了我国设计机制 适应建筑节能 需求的现象。

  • With enhancement of highway project management information level in our country day by day the traditional signing way was already unaccommodated to development of project information management .

    随着我国公路工程管理信息化程度的日益提高,传统签名方式已经 成为 阻碍工程项目信息化管理发展的 瓶颈

  • The old administration system and management mode of Hunan Post Savings is unaccommodated with the reform of post savings .

    湖南邮政储蓄 机构 一直 沿用 陈旧的管理体制和业务 发展模式,已 不再 适应邮政储蓄体制改革的 需要

  • With an ultimately positive or preferable result . A businessman must avoid leaving his customers unaccommodated .

    有一个乐观的或 满意的结果。商人千万不能让顾客 满意 感觉

  • The teachers and the student are unaccommodated to the new moral education materials ;

    教师、学生对 德育新教材 适应

  • A businessman must avoid leaving his customers unaccommodated .

    商人千万不能让顾客 满意 感觉