


  • There is no unanimity of opinion either of spore function in nature or of the factors concerned in spore formation .

    不论关于芽孢在自然界中的作用,或有关芽孢形成的原因,都没有 一致的看法。

  • About this there is unanimity among the sociologists .

    关于这一点在社会学家中 意见 一致

  • Nor is there unanimity among traditional media regarding charging at all .

    传统媒体在内容收费问题上的 做法各不 相同

  • People gradually reached unanimity of opinion .

    大家的意见逐渐 统一

  • An employer and a worker may discharge the labor contract upon unanimity through consultation .

    用人单位与劳动者协商 一致,可以解除劳动合同。

  • The new legislation allows the members to make most decisions by majority vote rather than by unanimity .

    新法律允许议员根据多数票作出大多数决定,而不 全票

  • Multiplicity though does not bring unanimity .

    不过,多重性不会带来 一致

  • The polls reveal more unanimity than disagreement on these points but certainly offer no evidence that education or wealth leads to more moderate views .

    在这些问题上,调查显示出更多的 一致 而非分歧,但显然不能证明教育或财富会让人观点更趋温和。

  • All decisions would require unanimity .

    所有决定都需要 全体 一致 同意

  • The need for unanimity will eventually strangle the mechanism so a new fund taking decisions by majority vote is needed instead .

    这种要求 一致 通过的做法,最终将扼杀这项机制,因此有必要创建一只采取多数表决制的新基金取而代之。

  • By contrast the traditional long-term budget requires unanimity .

    而传统的长期预算方案则需 各方 一致 同意 通过

  • They are reaching unanimity .

    他们的 意见 趋于 一致

  • While there is some concern over the cost of on-line services there is complete unanimity as to their effectiveness .

    除了对联机服务的费用有所考虑,会议就其效率问题 取得了完全的 一致

  • In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement Don 't expect unanimity .

    几乎每一讨论都会有意见不合的情形产生,别期待 全体 一致毫无异议。

  • In a system that requires unanimity grumbling from Finland and the Netherlands is a reminder that even if the limited deal at the summit holds further steps will be hard .

    在一个需要 全体 一致的体系下,芬兰和荷兰的抱怨声提醒着即使峰会达成了有限的协定,未来的脚步也很艰难。

  • During the conclusion of the labor contract the two parties to the contract must abide by the principles of equality voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation .

    在订立劳动合同过程中,劳动关系双方必须遵循平等自愿、协商 一致的原则。

  • It must naturally have led to a high degree of unanimity concerning an ideal system of classification of plants .

    它必定很自然地导致一个高度 统一的,理想的植物分类系统。

  • Groupthink is a phenomenon in which the members of a group override their individuality in favor of unanimity .

    集体审议是这样的一个现象:小组中的成员为了 达到 一致 将个人的想法抑制了。

  • It highlighted the power of the G7 to move markets and its powerlessness to achieve what it wants without unanimity .

    这显示了g7对市场的影响力,也显示了它在没有取得 协商 一致情况下的 力不从心

  • There is no unanimity among surgeons concerning the most effective and safest operative techniques .

    关于最有效与最安全的手术方法,在外科医师中尚无 一致 认识

  • Our discussions led to complete unanimity .

    我们的讨论取得了完全 一致 意见

  • They finally agreed to that plan in unanimity .

    他们最后 一致地通过了那个计划。

  • After discussion unanimity was achieved .

    经过讨论,取得了 一致 意见

  • There is no unanimity today on either of those texts and because we want to go forward in a common approach we have decided to continue our talks and negotiations .

    因为我们希望以共同的立场向前 迈进。我们决定继续对话和谈判。

  • They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election .

    他们就推举 下界总统候选人取得了 一致 意见

  • Unanimity is the biggest no-no in market economy and stock market .

    市场经济和股票市场中最忌 统一思想。

  • By making the concept of implementing the balanced scorecard can make the tactics reach unanimity between enterprise 's long-term goal and department .

    藉由实行平衡计分卡的的概念能够使企业长期目标与部门之间的策略达到 一致

  • Hackers are not stupid and unanimity is very rare in this world .

    黑客不傻,而 众口一词在他们的世界里是很罕见的 现象