ultrasonic probe

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk prob][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk prəub]


  • The operation principle of the ultrasonic density sensor the selection making technology of the ultrasonic probe are introduced .

    介绍了超声波密度传感器的工作原理和 超声波 探头的选择与制作工艺要点。

  • Discusses the Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment Ultrasonic Probe Head 's Classification and the Chief Feature Shallowly

    浅谈医用超声诊断仪 超声 探头的分类和主要特性

  • Compared with traditional ultrasonic probe ultrasonic phased array probe can realize transition deflection and dynamic focusing of acoustic beam under electronic control .

    与传统的 超声波 探头相比,超声相控阵探头可以实现电子控制下的声束平移、偏转与动态聚焦。

  • A New Testing Method of the Working Frequency of the Ultrasonic Probe

    一种新型实用的 超声 探头工作频率测试方法

  • Such aspects as the selection of the ultrasonic probe the measuring method for the incident point and the refraction angle and some key points for the probe during the operation of the ultrasonic detector are all described .

    介绍了 超声波 探头的选择,入射点和折射角的测定方法及在超声波探伤过程中使用探头应注意的问题。

  • The Diagnostic Value of Miniature Ultrasonic Probe in Esophageal Eminence Lesions

    超声 探头诊断食道隆起性病变的价值

  • Methods 4 patients underwent the examination of ultrasonic probe and needle biopsy through bronchoscope .

    方法对4例支气管黏膜下病变患者用微型 超声 探头(USP)以水囊 和/或直接 接触 进行经纤维支气管镜 超声检查,并行针吸活检。

  • Esophageal vascular structures were examined with miniature ultrasonic probe .

    运用微 探头 超声检查食管下段静脉结构的情况,进行治疗前后对比研究。

  • Clinical significance and study of operation method of PTBD guided by ordinary ultrasonic probe

    普通 超声 探头引导经皮经肝胆管穿刺置管引流的临床意义及方法探讨

  • The diagnostic study on craniocerebral disease by vaginal ultrasonic probe in neonates Transcranial Doppler study of blood flow states of female middle school students with menstrual migraine

    阴道 超声 探头在新生儿颅脑疾病诊断中的临床应用经颅多普勒超声在女中学生月经期偏头痛血流状态的检测价值

  • The application of ordinary ultrasonic probe in the interventional ultrasound guided puncture

    普通 探头在超声引导穿刺中的应用价值

  • Methods : Using the miniature ultrasonic probe checked 84 patients suspected of submucosal tumors .

    方法对84例疑黏膜下肿瘤的患者进行微 探头 超声检查。

  • Biopsy centesis can be performed under the guidance of ultrasonic probe .

    超声引导能成功进行 穿刺活检。

  • Method Based on the experiences of 800 cases with puncturation guided by the ordinary ultrasonic probe were reviewed and analysed .

    方法对我院16年来800例使用普通 探头引导穿刺案例经验进行分析。

  • Pulse production circuit driver circuit and ultrasonic probe couple circuit is modified in system design of ultrasonic receive-emit circuit for improving hardware system resolution .

    在超声波收发电路中为了提高系统测量精度,分别对脉冲产生电路、驱动电路和 超声波 探头的耦合电路进行了改进。

  • Second considering the actual condition we designed a standard test equipment for calibration test stand including tanks defect test block and the ultrasonic probe ring .

    其次我们考虑实际工况,设计了标验设备的率定试验台,主要包括水槽、缺陷试块以及 超声波 探头环。

  • For the difficulty in digital measurement of the large curved surface parts in aerospace industry the profile of the curved surface parts is measured by one ultrasonic probe in echo reflection method and the digital information on profile feature is obtained .

    为了解决航空航天领域大曲面工件的数字化测量难点,采用单个 超声 探头脉冲反射法对大曲面工件的外形进行测量,获得了工件表面的形状特征数字化信息。

  • The device makes it easy to calibrate the performance of each probe indicators in the original device before running to complete the screening of the probe to ensure the consistency of the selected ultrasonic probe .

    该设备便于实现在原装置运行前对每个探头的性能指标进行校准,以完成对探头的筛选工作,保证所选取的 超声 探头的一致性。

  • A moving utensil for portable ultrasonic probe which is made of chargeable electronic screwdriver is introduced and it can be used to assist detector to detect steel butt-joint welding seam .

    介绍一种利用充电电动螺丝批改制的轻便手持式 超声波 探头移动器,可辅助检测人员进行钢板对接焊缝的超声波检测工作,从而提高检测工作效率、减轻工作强度。

  • The aim of the thesis is to design a portable ultrasonic testing system for soft tissue properties . The system extracts the thickness and elasticity of soft tissue with the sensor which combines an ultrasonic probe and a pressure sensor .

    本课题的目的是设计一个便携式的软组织特性超声测试系统,通过 超声 探头和压力传感器构成的组合传感器,提取出软组织的厚度和弹性信息。

  • The disadvantage of this method is that the attenuation in the layered media and the surface roughness affect the experimental results greatly the ultrasonic probe should have good performance .

    但实验结果受薄层介质的声衰减和表面粗糙度影响较大,对 探头的性能要求较高。

  • Firstly the history of ultrasonic piezoelectricity transducer and configuration characteristics influence of water-logging ultrasonic probe are introduced .

    第一章阐述了检测超声压电换能器的发展状况和水浸 超声 探头的结构、性能指标及影响,结合论文的工程背景和所要实现的功能,论述了论文研究的重要意义和内容。

  • Objective To explore value of diagnosis and treatment of miniature ultrasonic probe ( MUSP ) on submucosal masses ( SMMs ) of upper gastrointestinal tract .

    目的探讨 超声探头在上消化道黏膜下隆起性病变中的诊断和治疗价值。

  • In the roller ultrasonic probe is a ultrasonic focusing probe which can strengthen the signal .

    轮式 探头内部使用了用来加强信号强度的聚焦探头。

  • Objective To evaluate the application of ordinary ultrasonic probe in ultrasound-guided puncture .

    目的探讨使用普通 探头在介入超声引导穿刺中的应用。

  • The ultrasonic probe is connected to a mobile PC based ultrasonic unit which incorporates all the hardware and software required for C scan data acquisition and imaging .

    超声波 探测器与一个可移动的计算机控制单元连接,该计算机集所有C-扫描数据、图像获取所需要的硬件、软件系统于一体。

  • These establish foundation for orientation and path layout of ultrasonic probe .

    超声 检测探头的定位以及运动路径的规划奠定了理论基础。

  • The Research on Analysis and Mesurement in Frequency and Acoustic Field of Water-Logging Ultrasonic Probe

    水浸 超声 探头频率、声场特性的分析及测定研究

  • Effect of Ultrasonic Probe Area of End Face on Solidification Structure of Al-1 % Si Ingots

    超声波传振杆的端面面积对 Al-1%Si铸锭凝固组织的影响钢锭模准备和脱锭跨