


  • These characteristics made its running process are unacted on external environment hard to damage and using long time . ( 4 ) Wireless automatic reading system .

    这些特点使其运行过程中不 外界环境的 影响 易损坏,使用寿命长。(4)无线自动抄表。

  • Are scalar particles and photons unacted directly by torsion

    对标量粒子及光子的直接作用 存在

  • Ultrasonic is unacted on the light color electromagnetic radiation and so on and can adapt to the severe environment . So nondestructive testing ( NDT ) technologies based on ultrasonic are more and more popular the ultrasonic ranging technology is one of them .

    超声波不 光线、色彩、电磁干扰等影响,能适应较恶劣的环境,所以基于超声波的无损检测(简称NDT)越来越受到人们的关注,超声波测距就是其中之一。

  • Ultrasonic sensor is the non-contact measuring ; its measurement process is unacted by impurity chemical substances and magnetic materials . It can install horizontal or vertical by low pressure loss .

    超声波传感器属于 间接非接触式测量,其测量过程完全 介质中杂质、化学物质和磁性材料的 影响,压损小,可以水平或垂直安装。