


  • Housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai are clearly inflated and demand continues to grow unabated . While unit values have doubled in many cases in the past year rents are stagnant .

    北京和上海的房价显然过高,而需求却 有增无减。尽管过去一年许多楼盘的售价翻了一番,租金却裹足不前。

  • The iPhone craze has continued unabated in China since the smartphones ' third generation entered the mainland market in 2009 .

    中国的iPhone热潮在这款智能手机的第三代于2009年进入中国大陆市场后,就一直 热度

  • Meanwhile the recession continues unabated .

    同时,经济衰退仍旧 减缓

  • At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated .

    至少,资讯科技能力的指数增长将 有增无减

  • In California whole neighbourhoods in cities such as Palmdale and Lancaster have been left empty because of mortgage foreclosures that have continued unabated .

    在美国加州的棕榈谷( palmdale)和兰卡斯特(lancaster)等市,由于止赎情况 丝毫 得到缓解,整街整巷的住宅人去楼空。

  • And when I visit one of our EF English First schools in China the energy and enthusiasm I consistently witness are indicative that the desire to learn English continues unabated .

    在参观中国一家英孚英语培训学校(EFEnglishFirstschool)时,我总是感受到课堂中的热情和能量,证明他们学习英语的热情 丝毫

  • Iraq 's mayhem continues unabated .

    伊拉克的大混乱 有增无减

  • Every morning I pick up the newspaper and read with dismay that the world 's sorrows ― poverty hatred and wars ― continue unabated .

    每天早晨我拾起报纸看到世界的哀痛贫穷、仇恨和战争持续 不休而感到沮丧。

  • In the meantime crime continues unabated . It decreased greatly in heat when air conditioner is used .

    同时,犯罪率并 减少。用空调时,温度大减。

  • Even three years after the melamine scandal that poisoned thousands of children with toxic infant formula food scandals have continued unabated and public paranoia over food remains high .

    尽管三聚氰胺丑闻有毒婴幼儿配方奶粉导致数以千计儿童中毒已过去了三年时间,但食品丑闻仍然 势头 ,公众在食品问题方面神经依然高度紧张。

  • The winds are unabated ; the popularity of his books among young people continued unabated .

    风没有 减弱;他的书在年轻人中的声望丝毫没有减退。

  • With the pure hydrogen use diesel engine power than its diesel performance unchanged the effect continues unabated .

    使用氢氧柴油与纯柴油相比,其发动机动力性能不变,效力 有增无减

  • The failure rates of such development projects are well known and they continue unabated .

    开发项目的失败率是众所周知的,并且 仍旧没有 降低

  • Adaptation alone will not be able to accommodate unabated climate change .

    适应气候变化本身不能 缓解 强劲的气候变化。

  • The fighting has continued unabated for over 24 hours .


  • The practice has been banned but continues unabated .

    这种做法已遭到禁止,但并 没有 减少 迹象

  • Our enthusiasm remained unabated .

    我们的热情 一如既往

  • It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately three oh thirty of your years .

    它会持续下去, 强度 持续大约3,哦,30年左右。

  • Though still officially just a research project the excitement over F # continues unabated .


  • We must continue to diversify our energy mix unabated .

    我们必须继续 懈怠 将我们的能源组合多样化。

  • Elephants'raising in Surin however continues unabated as young elephants are born every year .

    但是,大象在苏林依然 有增无减,每年都有许多新生的大象。

  • Unabated the Emperor continued his scourge .

    的皇帝继续蹂躏 苍生

  • Meanwhile the flood of apps internal and customer-facing and often mobile continues unabated increasing pressure on businesses to achieve better performance and speed from the databases and storage systems that underpin those applications .

    与此同时,应用软件的热潮(包括内部应用、面向顾客的应用,往往还有移动应用)依然 没有 减退,这也加大了企业的压力,迫使它们不得不提高数据库和存储系统的性能和速度。

  • But elsewhere in the financial industry the training boom seems unabated .

    但在金融业的其它领域,培训热潮似乎 并未 消退

  • Riding a white boats enumerated century unabated evolved into productive activities and sports .

    踏白船活动历数世纪 ,演变为生产活动和体育活动。

  • At a time when world economic growth lacks momentum and the deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis goes on unabated it will be an important meeting among leaders of the worlds major economies .

    这是在世界经济增长动力不足、国际金融危机深层次影响不断 显现的背景下,世界主要经济体领导人举行的一次重要会议。

  • But in that time hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil could flow unabated into the ocean .

    艾伦 监察了其工作情况之后表示,漏油将会在 周一(即 7 12 )被控制 ,但是这段时间内会有成千上万桶石油 流进海洋。

  • The fervour among mainland Chinese investors for new listings continued unabated yesterday as shares in Bank of communications surged 71 per cent in its first day of trading in Shanghai in spite of continued official warnings about the risk of a stock market bubble .

    尽管中国官方对股市泡沫的风险一再提出警告,中国内地投资者对新上市公司的热情依然高涨,交通银行(bankof communications)昨日在上海股市首日上市交易中大涨71%。

  • The carmaker said it expected its sales growth to continue unabated this year .

    该公司表示,预计今年销量将 延续 当前的增长 态势

  • This type of unstructured data continues to grow unabated making the efficient processing of it critical to the continued success of business analytic processing systems .

    这种非结构化类型的数据的增长 势头 有增无减,因此高效地处理它对于商业分析处理系统的持续成功至关重要。