

n.无信仰者, (尤指)不信上帝、宗教等的人

  • Or is it the unbeliever under your tutelage .

    还是你受你监护的 教徒

  • Victor fargas is an unbeliever .

    维克托法戈斯 教徒

  • The resurrection of the dead the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to the resurrection of judgment .

    死人都要复活。信者 得永生 复活受审判。

  • Whether this threat caused the god to take action is a question that a poor Western unbeliever such as myself would not dare answer .

    究竟这种威胁使神仙采取行动了没有,这是像我这样一个可怜的 信神的西方人所不敢回答的问题。

  • Are you still an unbeliever then remember there is but one door and if you will not enter by it you will perish in your sins .

    请记住只有一 扇门,你若不从这门进入,就将与自己的罪一同灭亡。

  • I could fancy a love for life here almost possible ; and I was a fixed unbeliever in any love of a year 's standing .

    感受在这里也许 存在 可持续生平的恋爱,而我曾是一个不 相信 何恋爱可以持续一年 以上

  • The first time I struck up a spiritual conversation with an unbeliever I was scared half to death .

    当我第一次和一位 信徒 分享属灵 经验时,我吓得半死。

  • If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever .

    人若不看顾亲属,就是 ,比不信的人还 看顾自己家里的 ,更是如此。

  • The unbeliever spat at him .

    那个 教徒 了他一巴掌。

  • This principle held well not only for the outright unbeliever but also for the righteous man who sinned ( v.20 ) .

    这个原则不单适用在 的身上,那些离 义行恶的「义人」,也都同样合用(20节)。

  • In this matter believer and unbeliever part company .

    信者和 在这个问题上, 意见有分歧。

  • It is because of that clear authoritative general revelation that the unbeliever knows God ( Rom.1:21 );

    因为有了上帝清楚、权威性的普遍启示, 基督徒才能「知道」上帝(罗1:21);

  • Even today there are few experiences more difficult than to be united in marriage with an unbeliever .

    即使是今天,信徒与非 信徒结婚所 产生的问题, 绝不 容易 处理

  • It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story .

    这就像一个自称 相信有鬼的 鬼故事吓得心惊胆战一样。

  • Cor.6:15 And what concord does Christ have with Belial ? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever ?

    林后六15基督对 彼列有什么和谐?信的同 的有什么同分?