


  • Two months later Google started automatically redirecting users of its Chinese website to its uncensored Hong Kong site .

    两个月后,谷歌开始将访问其中国网站的用户自动转向 审查的香港站点。

  • But the future of the service is uncertain as Google 's mobile services have been disrupted following its decision last month to redirect its Chinese web search traffic to its uncensored Hong Kong site .

    但在谷歌上月决定把中国用户的搜索流量重定向至旗下 审查的香港网站后,其移动服务已遭中断, 音乐 下载服务则前途未卜。

  • Users had been automatically redirected to Google 's uncensored Hong Kong site but the company stopped that last week after China warned the move could mean losing its licence .

    用户们已自动转入谷歌香港区 审查的网页,但是,中国警告这一举动将意味着被取消牌照,公司在上周停止了这一做法。

  • It has switched to providing uncensored Chinese language search results from Hong Kong and started to encrypt Gmail and search services .

    它转而从香港提供 审查的中文搜索结果,并开始为gmail及搜索服务加密。

  • The uncensored were 33 cases and the censored were 8 cases ( 80.48 % 19 . 5 % ) .

    全组完全数据33例,截尾数据8例( 80.48%,19.5%)。

  • In2004 Dick Cheney then vice president visited Beijing and was told that he could speak live and uncensored to the Chinese people .

    2004年,当时的美国副总统迪克访问北京时被告知,他的讲话将 删减完整)地现场直播。

  • In 1984 an uncensored version was smuggled to Germany where it was published and her work depicting life in a small German-speaking village in Romania was devoured by readers there .

    1984年,这部 短篇 小说 删减版在德国得以发行。这部描写罗马尼亚一个讲德语的小村庄艰苦生活的 小说受到了德国读者的热烈追捧。

  • Lawyers argue that whether redirection of users to an uncensored site is illegal in China might miss the point .

    一些律师认为,讨论将用户转向未 审查的网站在中国是否非法,可能没有抓住问题的关键。

  • Pay careful attention to your thoughts when bad things happen Write down the first thing that comes to mind unedited and uncensored .

    当坏事发生时,仔细留意自己的想法,把你最初的想法原原本本地记下来, 一字

  • News is often colored . uncensored news reports .

    新闻常被 歪曲报道。

  • To answer the question of why consumers became so eager to buy some historians have pointed to the ability of manufacturers to advertise in a relatively uncensored press .

    为了回答消费者为什么变得那么急于购物这一问题,一些史学家指出,这是因为制造商们可以在 审查的报刊上刊登广告。

  • Last year having had enough it decided to offer Chinese users the option of using an uncensored site in Hong Kong .

    去年谷歌 够了,决定用位于香港的、 不对 内容进行 审查的网站向中国用户提供服务。

  • Throughout the crisis uncensored news reports were distributed around the country on private computer networks .

    在整个危机中, 检查的新闻报道由私人的计算机网络传向全国各地。

  • Have a good time reviewing these uncensored pictures taken using sequential shots .

    祝愿 你们在回顾这些 的相片时,有美好的时光。

  • Software packages will ask the user to enter the data and indicate whether it is censored or uncensored .

    软件包将要求用户输入的数据和说明是否 经审查或 审查

  • Wiener represents the city 's Castro District where a group of men locals refer to as the naked guys is known to strut its stuff and some residents have grown weary of uncensored views .

    威纳代表旧金山市卡斯特罗区,当地有群裸体主义者被称为“裸奔者”,他们一丝不挂地招摇过市,一些当地居民已经看腻了 这些 暴露 场景