


  • It is important here that the herd recording is unbiased and non-selective .

    这里重要的是群体记录要 和不加选择。

  • Critical Appraisal : Ability to apply principles of analysis to identify those studies which are unbiased and valid .

    批判评价:能运用分析的原则来加以分辨这些过去研究是否 偏见且有效度的一种能力。

  • It was proven theoretically that the estimate errors of unbiased regression estimation are less than that of general regression estimation .

    提出了 回归估计方法,从理论上证明了该法比常规的估计法具有更小的平均估计误差。

  • Managers need to be unbiased and objective – and not only that they need to appear unbiased too .

    管理人员需要保持 中立和客观,不仅如此,他们需要看起来不偏不倚。

  • I prefer to make unbiased initial observations .


  • Unbiased estimation for the two parameters of the special model is proposed and improved by covariance adjustment approach separately .

    对两个参数各提出了一个 估计并采用协方差改进法分别对其作了改进。

  • I 'll play the unbiased middleman for now and try to explain what 's up .

    我这会儿先做个 偏见的中间人,并尝试解释一下发生了什么。

  • It is considered difficult to analytically prove whether sample probability weighted moments with discrete series are unbiased estimators .

    人们普遍认为要从理论上通过数学分析的方法来论证 序系列样本概率权重矩的 偏倚性是很困难的。

  • The researchers were expected to be unbiased .

    调查人员应该是 偏见的。

  • In this paper we investigated optimal linear unbiased estimation of the linear estimable function in general multivariate random effect linear model .

    本文研究了一般的随机效应多元线性模型中线性可估函数的最优线性 估计。

  • There is no clear and unbiased information available for consumers

    消费者没有清晰明确、 不偏不倚的信息可以参考。

  • When Gauss-Markov assumptions hold we need not look for alternative unbiased estimators .

    当高斯-马尔科夫假定成立时,我们不需要再去找其它 估计量了。

  • Unbiased investigation proves that Nature is not Chaos but a well-ordered system .


  • In machine learning subspace information criterion ( SIC ) gives an unbiased estimate of the generalization error .

    在机器学习中,子空间信息准则给出推广误差的一种 估计。

  • Do you think that Western reporting on China for example over the issue of safe products is fair and unbiased ?

    你认为西方对中国的报道,例如在产品安全问题上的报道,是公正和 没有 偏见的吗?

  • But I do have an unbiased ear .


  • A Study of Computation and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimation Under the Singular Linear Model

    奇异线性模型最好线性 估计的等价 刻划与计算问题研究

  • When the estimator is unbiased the numerical estimate is frequently also called unbiased .

    当估计量 时,数字估计值也常叫做无偏的。

  • In this paper the property of the best linear unbiased prediction is obtained under general linear models with arbitrary rank .

    本文得到了一般线性模型中最优线性 预测的 优良性,并研究了 最优线性 预测和简单投影预测的一种 相对 效率

  • Mathemtical analysis of the algorithm and simulation show that an unbiased estimation of the error path can be achieved .

    数学分析和仿真实验结果表明,该控制算法能获取误差通道的 估计,并可降低主动降噪系统总体代价。

  • We proved that some empirical Bayes estimators are the best or the best conditional unbiased .

    证明了所给出的经验贝叶斯估计量是最优或条件最优 测量

  • I mean to the unbiased eye .

    我的意思是,在 公正 角度看。

  • Lake experiments validated the capability of the proposed method of reaching asymptotically unbiased bearing estimates of shallow water targets .

    湖上试验结果验证了新方法可以有效实现浅海目标波达方向的渐近 估计。

  • They can distance themselves from the politics and issues more easily and usually provide unbiased and objective results .

    第三 不牵涉企业内的行政和其他问题,通常更容易提供 偏见的客观的结果。

  • When the sample size is small we choose the unbiased estimating equation using empirical relative efficiencies .

    本文主要通过模拟讨论样本量较小时,利用经验相对效率选择 估计方程。

  • We all have to be convinced that 's what it is based on an unbiased profile .

    我们都必须相信证据决定一切,并以无 偏见的侧写为根据。

  • You 're not getting a neutral unbiased view on this .

    你在这个问题上,并不是持中立、 公正的看法。

  • The witness is unbiased and so reliable .

    那个证人没有 偏见,因而是可靠的。

  • When outrage is high it is difficult to maintain prompt and unbiased settlement of contracts .

    当公众的怒气足够大的时候,就难以维持合约得到迅速和 不偏不倚的结算。