twist up

[twɪst ʌp][twist ʌp]


  • A twist on a familiar quote If at first you don 't succeed give up or a play on words or on a situation . The picture is going haywire .

    它可以是一句常言的 歪曲如你要是一开始不成功,就 放弃,或者是玩弄语言和情景。

  • Supporters hope the new twist would drive up demand for dollar coins that are now gathering dust in sock drawers and coin collections .

    支持者们希望这一新 举措能使市面 对1美元的需求 上涨,现在这些硬币多半被丢在装袜子的抽屉或钱币收藏者的柜子里,积满了灰尘。

  • DBUnit is about maintaining database integrity across test runs ( and in fact you can use DBUnit as part of the set up and tear down of your tests in Twist ) .

    DBUnit是关于跨测试执行(test runs)去维护数据库完整性(事实上,在 Twist测试中,你可以使用DBUnit作为测试初始化和运行结束的一部分)。

  • A good feasibility study can make the enterprise remain invincible so that to obtain more economic benefits . Nowadays the real estate was experiencing the twist up and down .

    房地产企业只有做好投资项目的可行性研究,才能使企业立于 不败之地,从而使企业获取更大的经济利益。

  • There is a further ironic twist too because this rise is in truth the collateral effect of the West urging India to open up its economy to global competition .

    这里面还存在一个更具有讽刺意味的 转折点,因为印度的崛起,实际上是西方敦促印度 开放经济、参与全球竞争的间接结果。

  • The mountain road began to twist up steeper and steeper .

    山路开始向上 曲折 盘旋,越来越陡。

  • LCDs essentially twist and untwist liquid crystals to allow a certain amount of light through each red green or blue sub-pixel the term for the components that make up each individual pixel in a display .

    LCD显示屏通过 扭转液晶 来使一定量的光线穿过每个红、绿或蓝像素。

  • Last week also saw a further twist in the currency wars as Switzerland decided that it could no longer allow the markets to drive the Swiss Franc up to unprecedented levels .

    上周,汇率战 波澜再起:瑞士决定,不能再放任市场将瑞士法郎 不断推升至前所未有的高位。

  • Continuously price war does not squeeze the profitability only but also twist the ecology of supply chain . And speed up the production base relocation .

    持续的价格战,不但压缩了获利空间,亦 扭曲了供应链生态,同时也 加速 生产基地的推移与重新配置。

  • However now a twist on her attitude towards me has clearly represented her changes to bring up child owing to my gradual growth .

    然而现在,由于我国渐进式的增长,去 培养孩子,我已经清楚地看到她 转弯抹角的态度有所改变。

  • We also have a niche safe so when you twist the vase next to it my family portrait rises up and reveals a thumb-print scanner .

    我们还有一个安全的壁龛,因此当你 转动旁边的花瓶,我们的全家福画像就会 卷起,出现一个指纹扫描仪。

  • They 're all talking about Hot Yoga a new twist on an old exercise that has beautiful people all over the world rushing to sign up for yoga classes .

    葛温妮丝•派特萝没它活不下去。妮可•基曼刚刚成为它的信徒。她们都在谈论“高温瑜伽”,一种旧运动的新 手法,让世界各地的俊男美女争相加入瑜伽课。

  • The two researchers and their colleagues thencarried out their own experiment with the added twist of dividingtheir subjects up by age .

    这两位研究者和他们的同事一起做了自己的实验,增加 实验中对年龄的分层和对照。

  • Due to this special twist construction strengthening ratio will be raised up to 1.4 if the direc - tion of doubling twist is the same as that of single yarn and it will make the elec - trostatic spinning method more economical .

    由于静电纱的这种特殊 捻度结构,如采用同向加捻的捻线工艺,可使静电纱的股线增强率高 1.4以上,从而使静电纺纱的经济效益进一步提高。

  • Jack Twist from all the way up in lightning fiat wyoming .

    来自怀俄明州闪电平原的 杰克崔斯特

  • The road began to twist up past the lower slopes of a pine forest .

    那条道路开始 经由松林覆盖的低坡 盘旋