two's complement


  • Negating min value of a two 's complement number is not allowed .

    不允许对 2 数的最小值求反。

  • Binary Code Qne 's Complement Two 's Complement D / A and A / D Circuits and System

    原码、补码、 反码D/A及A/D电路与系统

  • Two 's complement number notation

    二进制 补码数记数法

  • The uniform expression of multiplier of two 's complement and unsignednumber are given in this paper .

    本文给出了二进制 补码和无符号乘法器的通用表达式。

  • The output format is user-selectable for binary or two 's complement and provides an overrange ( OR ) signal .

    提供二进制或 二进制 补码输出格式供用户选择,并提供一个超量程(OR)信号。

  • Research on a Circuit of Fast Conversion from Binary Signed Digit to Binary Complement Binary Code Qne 's Complement Two 's Complement D / A and A / D Circuits and System

    二进制有符号码与补码的快速转换电路研究原码、补码、 反码D/A及A/D电路与系统

  • The binary representation of the numbers is referred to as signed two 's complement .

    数字的二进制形式表现为有符号 2 值。六、根据括号所给 提示,把 句子 补充 完整

  • Synthesis and comparison of two 's complement parallel multipliers

    2 补码并行乘法器的综合和比较

  • Bohm especially emphasizes that insight and fancy are two different interchangeable modes of mind 's operation as a whole complement to each other .

    玻姆特别强调:洞识力与幻想力是心灵整体运作的 相辅相成 性质不同模式。